Mr Majestyk

It's odd that the daughter of The Transformers: The Movie director Nelson Shin had a beefcake poster of Orson Welles on her wall but I guess it all worked out in the end.

If only we could harness the power of love and go back in time to find out!

Rock 'n' roll's heart was still beating at the time the song was recorded, but as rock 'n' roll aged, it needed a new drug, one that wouldn't make it sick. Unfortunately, the drug wasn't covered by its insurance so rock 'n' roll passed away sometime in the late 90s.

Every time somebody abbreviates Robert Downey Jr.'s name, I want to do a ScarJo thing and call him RoDoJu. But that sounds too much like "RoboJew" and I figure that has to be offensive to somebody.

He should keep a memento so he never forgets.

Why would anyone want to take credit for the music industry?

I had lunch with Aqualad once and that fucker pulled a knife on me!

Even that wouldn't be 100%, because the way it usually seems to happen is that actors get hurt doing stuff that can't even be classified as a stunt. They've got all the safety precautions in the world on the big, flashy stuff, but then Harrison Ford hurts himself on Force Awakens walking through a door. Injuries can

Oh thank god. Every citizen of Planet Earth deserves the right to hear a second album of material about that one time a rich, famous person cheated on another rich, famous person.

Jesus Christ, man! There's just some things you don't talk about in public!

BB-8 is a personality-free cuteness delivery system derived from the basic iconography of an actual character. He's the Nermal to R2's Garfield.

I got two rules: No messing with my melon crop, and no portmanteaus. Al broke both of 'em.

All of my beatings are oddly sexy. It's a blessing and a curse.

Dammit, get your mouth off the internet and onto my fist.

Yeah, but I'll have a reason this time.

Anybody who calls me this unpronounceable gibberish is getting punched in the fucking mouth.

All stuntmen call stunts "gags," and most of them are as matter-of-fact and unflappable as this guy. Not saying he's not awesome (he is) but his terminology and attitude are par for the course in his profession.

Have any of you guys considered that you might just be wimps?

Hey, remember when Adam Wingard was a fresh new voice in horror but nobody went to see his movies so he said fuck it and now he's directing Blair Witch sequels and J-Horror remakes? Thanks a lot, the world.

I stopped watching Mad Men because I hated all the characters. I could give a fuck about the 60s. I explained my reasoning about OITNB: I liked it when it was funnier and less of a standard TV drama. I do not like TV drama as a rule, as I find its storytelling needlessly protracted and unsatisfying. The parts of GLOW