Mr Majestyk

That was the show's first laugh for me.

I actually really enjoyed The Accountant. It was like a cross between The Professional and a Lifetime disease-of-the-week movie, yet oddly affecting and cathartic. It's also the only action movie I've ever seen where the conflict is resolved through communication and not violence, and yet it's a satisfying conclusion.

Chance Boudreaux, the legendary mullet-haver/Jean-Claude Van Damme character?

My standard response to anyone who couldn't read the writing on the wall the instant the Disney sale was announced:

So I watched the first two episodes. I almost gave up after the first 20 minutes but once the actual wrestling part of this wrestling show kicked in, it was entertaining. I can still see it going the way of Orange Is the New Black and losing me after two seasons but for now I'm still onboard.

I liked Deadwood at the time but I doubt I'd make it through more than a few episodes if it came out today. I tapped out of Mad Men at three. This golden age of TV thing is clearly not for me.

I'll give it a shot but I'm skeptical. I have so little tolerance for the wheelspinning of most television these days that pretty much only nonstop hilarity can keep my interest.

Yeah, but is it funny? And not that "I didn't laugh once but I agree with what it's saying" kind of funny you guys love on Master of None. Like, actual funny. With jokes.

What if the two Van Dammes are longlost twins who both have Belgian accents despite neither of them having grown up in Belgium?

It fits in with all the stories about him hanging around and annoying everyone at the Cannon offices until they finally gave in and cast him.

I disagree with your disagreement. Conan is great, but it has its fair share of doldrums. Predator is a well-oiled thrill machine from beginning to end.

I consider myself a Bay fan and that is a fair assessment. He mostly makes bad movies but they're uniquely, idiosyncratically bad movies that only he would make, which makes them fascinating. There's a lot of flavorless hackwork out there, but Bay's stuff is at least an honest expression of the artist who made it.

Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.

I ain't no mathemagician.

But soft, what fire through yonder dumpster burns?

That's one way to make Shakespeare cool again!

Hey! No sharing our cake with trolls! That's for Linda's birthday!

No, that's Charles Bronson with the state seal of Florida growing out of the top of his head. Totally different guy.

I have no idea what that means. But yes.