Mr Majestyk

Was it a terrible strain on the compositors' wrists to do all the optical effects live?

I love how people love talking about how bad Lucas' dialogue is, yet they can recite like 90% of it from memory.

If you ever hear me say that a lack of dismemberments made a movie better, just fucking kill me now because I'm dead inside.

It's not even heresy. Everyone's known since forever that the first cut of Star Wars was a disaster. This is a revelation to exactly no one.

I've never seen a fanbase so determined to prove that the creator of the thing they love did not in fact do so.

I honestly don't think he cared what people liked about Star Wars, and that's what I like about the prequels. They're not very good movies, but nobody else on earth would have made them, and I respect that. Compare that to The Force Awakens, which is like the fanbase sent J.J. Abrams to the Star Wars Store with a

It's almost like editing is the thing that makes movies movies and not just filmed plays.

In other news, have you heard this crazy fan theory that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father?

Nah, not necessary. Apparently George Lucas is the only director in history who has required the services of one of these fabled "eddi-torrs," and he's pretty much retired.

Hey, what gives? I tried eating this fried chicken dinner you made me and it clawed my eyes out!

What's that? You don't just shoot a whole film in chronological order and then show your first draft to the world? You have to, like, cut it together in a specific order that makes sense, a process that requires a lot of trial and error? My God, you've really blown the lid off this one, Internet!

I had it on mute the first time I watched it, but yeah, it's WAAAAAAY funnier with the sound on.

Oh, I'd stopped listening to him long ago. But many still seemed to linger under the delusion that he is "one of the good ones."

If nothing else comes from this, at least we can finally and definitively put to rest the notion that we need to listen to a single word John McCain says.

I think they'll lean on the idea that Trump couldn't have been an active participant in the collusion, because that would require he have any fucking clue what's going on around him at any given time.

Apparently the guy who hit him is another rapper with whom this lip-synching clown had been beefing. It would be nice to think that a rapper would knock out another rapper just for being a woman-beating piece of shit, but that does not seem to be the case.

At what point does he wake up in bed next to Marla Maples?

I'm half convinced that, even without the Russian hooker stuff, Trump would have fired him anyway simply because he can't handle anyone being taller than him. It makes him feel as tiny on the outside as he is on the inside.

Technically, the "Mama" referenced in that song is LL's grandmother.

One very helpful thing about the AV Club is that it introduces me to a new worst rapper I've ever heard in my life on a biweekly basis.