Mr Majestyk

You know, I often watch movies and think, "This would be better if it had lower production values and were 50 hours long."

Trump does have the air of the crime story archetype, typical to both Hiasson and Leonard, of the goon who's really dangerous specifically because he's too dumb to act in his own self-interest.

That was the most hard-boiled thing I read all day. And I'm reading an Elmore Leonard novel right now.

Space is Satan's Lite-Brite. Best to ignore it.

That would really drive him nuts. The way he keeps coming back to it, it's clear he's really saying, "You'll let everybody know I crush pussy, right? Take a memo: TRUMP. CRUSHES. PUSSY. Oh, addendum: FOR. FREE. Let 'em know, FBI Guy. Let 'em all know."

I had a feeling that scandal, of all the scandals, was going to be one that might actually stick, because it's the only one that paints a picture of Trump he didn't like. All the others make him look like a scumbag to the rest of us, but Trump thinks scumbags are awesome smart tough guys, so they rolled right off his

I held the door for him at a movie theater once.

The Hemsworth thing at least made a little sense if you assumed that he really bulked up in prison.

I at least hope they go with the original downbeat ending where Mary smothers them all in their sleep and then you see her set up shop with a new family.

If you have to move a piano or something, sure.

I really thought The Mummy: The Pepperwood Chronicles was going to be better than this.

First they came for Funderdome, and I did not speak out—
Because I am not a fucking idiot.

I think he just has the palette of a toddler and thinks booze tastes "oogy." It's the only explanation for that steak with ketchup thing.

The Greasy Strangler was probably the worst movie I ever watched 11 minutes of.

Shouldn't they all.

The fuck is he talking about?

“Look into the eyes of a goth and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in the world.”

He just goes "Bang! Bang!" with his finger and his mute manservant does the actual shooting.

Not when you have your butler hobble and declaw them before the hunt.