Person I don't care about takes picture I've never seen that is offensive to people I hate, is then fired from a show I've never seen on a network I don't watch.
Person I don't care about takes picture I've never seen that is offensive to people I hate, is then fired from a show I've never seen on a network I don't watch.
I still think of that hairstyle as "Markie Post Hair."
You were not too legit, and therefore you had to quit.
"Predecessor" I fuck it up every time. For this comment, it took five tries for autocorrect to even guess what I was going for.
I simply don't believe Barron has any idea who Kathy Griffin is, let alone has seen this picture of her. It's just pure emotional manipulation to even bring the kid up.
It just wasn't enjoyable. Most of these characters are hilarious when used judiciously but become overbearing and off-putting when placed centerstage. Spending an entire half hour in Lindsey's POV is a descent into despair. Knowing there was at least one Tobias episode ahead made me quit at three episodes.
The odds of me ever watching Season 5 will go up considerably if I'm assured I won't have to finish Season 4 to understand it.
I don't know why you'd want to date someone who can't express themselves anyway. If this broad can't tell you what she likes about Harry Potter, how's she supposed tell you what she wants from you/out of life/in bed?
"Silly and juvenile" has never really been a detriment in punk or metal.
I think the OP is saying that by calling the Muslim ban "racist," you are calling Islam a race.
Then you go back and read the lyrics to "Raw Deal" and you wonder what the hell people thought Halford was talking about.
In order to become senile don't you have to age?
Just when you think he's done, he comes back in two and two.
I'm gonna guess it doesn't matter much to him.
Maybe, but it's the meanness of a pampered child prince.
Hey, I have that shirt. No force on earth can make me stop wearing it.
Anybody ever go to that scummy bowling alley in Brooklyn where they make the bartender wear a vest and bowtie and he tells everybody who comes in that he used to be in the Misfits?
I've heard similar rumors about Mike Love!
He's a great singer.
I remember it every time I need to make up a joke sequel title.