
It seems all of @twitter-17501946:disqus 's questions can be answered with "paradox", they can go back if a paradox means the timeline was never "eaten", unfortunately there was no way that could happen in the graveyard, and the gravestone meant that was a fixed point in time, they've already "read ahead".

LMFAO is exactly like K-Pop…

LMFAO is exactly like K-Pop…

@avclub-8f391213fdc9a9b0e535d990943cffa7:disqus I'd honestly say K-Pop had that style down way before LMFAO westernised it and made it 10 times worse.

@avclub-8f391213fdc9a9b0e535d990943cffa7:disqus I'd honestly say K-Pop had that style down way before LMFAO westernised it and made it 10 times worse.

Saw it here in the UK where they played it as the season 2 finale. Really great "just jokes" episode.

Saw it here in the UK where they played it as the season 2 finale. Really great "just jokes" episode.

Album of the year so far in my opinion. Both more immediate than Veckatimest and more rewarding with repeat listens, and I loved Veackatimest.

Album of the year so far in my opinion. Both more immediate than Veckatimest and more rewarding with repeat listens, and I loved Veackatimest.

Nothing in my life will ever beat the time we were trying to tell our Thai friend, who has a passable but sketchy grasp of the English language, how to say the phrase, and he managed "I've put on wellies because I have clunge on my knee".

Nothing in my life will ever beat the time we were trying to tell our Thai friend, who has a passable but sketchy grasp of the English language, how to say the phrase, and he managed "I've put on wellies because I have clunge on my knee".

YES, I was going to mention this.

YES, I was going to mention this.

I'm guessing quite a high percentage of that number will be Twilight superfans.

I'm guessing quite a high percentage of that number will be Twilight superfans.

A WHOLE 500 OF THEM!!!!!

A WHOLE 500 OF THEM!!!!!

"Just noticed… the license plate on the truck for the Colorado commercial is XVZ 781. Numerologically XVZ is 648. If you take out the middle numbers of both you are left with 68 and 71. Odd right? Not to mention that 6+4+8=18 which is 6+6+6, and 7+8+1=16…  the shooting occured at Century 16. 666 + 16 = the idea

"Just noticed… the license plate on the truck for the Colorado commercial is XVZ 781. Numerologically XVZ is 648. If you take out the middle numbers of both you are left with 68 and 71. Odd right? Not to mention that 6+4+8=18 which is 6+6+6, and 7+8+1=16…  the shooting occured at Century 16. 666 + 16 = the idea

My favourite part of the cycling debate was, when asked about what the secret was with the wheels, Dave Brailsford replied that they were really round.