The Middle Mohican

This must already exist, I bet—"Wreck-It Ralph" did it for video-game bad guys—but your idea makes me think of a final-girl support group. And then it gets attacked and we have a *final* final girl. ;) I guess that makes all other ones, in retrospect, be (merely) penultimate girls.

LOL @ "V for Vendetta" having had 21 movies before it, all with Sue-Grafton-style titles. Nicely done.

In the interest of finding some happy medium between zero drinks and instant alcohol poisoning, some feasible options:

Sink-o de Cuatro!

… with his Player's Club card?

The "Crank" movies occupy a middle ground: They aren't very likely as a repeating premise, but they are necessary in that they are highly entertaining and I needed to see more of them.

Ditto all these ice ages. (And "Ice Ages.")

Well, it *is* a superfood…

You bet. I was also relieved that "Leonard Part 6" resolved all those cliffhangers from the earlier five installments.

"You're going to get some stares."

"Return to the Blue Lagoon" is hilariously hard to buy as a situation that would repeat itself.

Another example is The Madness of King George III. It was unlikely enough to have him go crazy *twice*, but three times really strains credulity.

I love the word "tradecraft": it could theoretically refer to any field but "Alias is a show about a SPY!"

My guess is Adamantium. :)

Cosima: "Sarah couldn't be here tonight, but I'm here to accept this award on her behalf."

And one or two band-aids for her back (poor thing!).

This show is so good at subverting expectations. It's *never* lupus!

Short of stature: Check!
Healing factor: Check!
Canadian: Check!
Has been subjected to tests: Check!
Dealings with feral creatures (Helena; Wendigo): Check!
Enhanced senses (clone ID'ing; smell and hearing): Check!

If it isn't Flash Gordon (Chad), this is the option I like best: That Alison has never had a monitor.

It really did seem to me back then that we'd get a simple "Prince and the Pauper" story with just two identicals. This show got weird quickly, Caviezel be praised.