The Middle Mohican

Train played by Maslany.

I'm dreading the moment we find out that half of the clones' DNA came from him. ::shiver::

@avclub-cb10f554d73e40f723febf42a006a887:disqus :

Helena is pretty smart, too. Resourceful. It was a pleasure to see her trying to break out of the cage. Shoe laces, belt—given enough time, she would have gotten herself out of there.

I can't remember where I saw this, but there's also a woman who has played a nurse about five times in five different shows.

"Or was she PUSHED??"

That was definitely a LOST moment. I was begging her to say the words "Who is Alison's monitor?"

We… We're cool, right?

Dyson: "We collect sunlight!"

Sometimes characters are made more interesting merely by being paired up in new ways, and I think Angela meeting Vic would improve both of them.

Oh Bobby. You are the opposite of a clone. Same character, three different sets of genes by this point.

That cage Helena was locked inside? It was played by Maslany.

That might be a clue! Three-headed monitor!

This gives "Aynsley" as the spelling.

Chad should have been in the intervention. "You had sex with me, and then you never called!"

Orphan Black has always fantasized about meeting the show it was spun off from.

@avclub-c2023af23a02a04d9f58966bafd8969a:disqus : This show is so Canadian!

That brings to mind a season of Big Brother that had secret twin-swapping.

At the end of the season, "Coming to America"-style, it will be revealed that Maslany has also been playing Kira.

An odd couple with someone named Felix? Seems a bit of a stretch.