Ayn Rand

"has given America such great things as falling wages, high unemployment, and worst of all, NBC sitcom Outsourced. "
As well as reducing global inequality, reducing the cost of living, and helped maintain peace between nations.
It's called comparative advantage, look it up.

Being a Stark fan is even (somehow) worse than being a Leaf fan.

Karen, put me in a chair, fuck me and make me a drink. I've lost direction and I'm past my peak.

You have to imagine he will make a killing on the Star Wars themed merchandising of his sperm.

You have to imagine he will make a killing on the Star Wars themed merchandising of his sperm.

There's only one man with enough fortitude and creative impulse to steer such a franchise: Uwe Boll

There's only one man with enough fortitude and creative impulse to steer such a franchise: Uwe Boll

"4 out of 5 dentists have fucked my cousin Denise."

"4 out of 5 dentists have fucked my cousin Denise."

"Did you see the bubble?"

"Did you see the bubble?"

The prosperity of industrial progress has ensured that now even commoners can hold the type of insular, misanthropic views that used to be held by only victorian aristocrats.

Was it "Forrest Gump" good? No, but it was pretty good.

LOVED his book of poems.

This movie would have been an A+ if it also included a retarded blind kid who made beautiful paintings or played the piano with his toes.

Listen up mediocre dickwads
I for one, salute Mr Cage for being a charismatic man of achievement.

I am currently spinning in my grave fast enough to power a small city. The reason? There is only one living man worthy of having directed this film and it is an abomination that he did not. That man is Uwe Boll.

All of you can just suck my dick.