
If the WGA strike lasts another three weeks America will be ready for "Ow My Balls".

This needs a better last post
I thought there'd be more than 189 comments on a story like this. Maybe the Club's DVD picks were too eclectic to be engaging this year. Or maybe no one thinks much about DVDs anymore.
But I couldn't let m/30's sad little assault on Tina Fey be the last word.

I know the AV Club managed to review this as a theatrical release, but for the vast majority of us, this was a DVD-only release, a 2007 release.
Surely Mike Judge's scathing fuck-you to his fellow Americans rates a bit higher than yet another repackaging of "Close Encounters" (definitive or not).

All I'm saying is that if Colbert and Stewart look good without writers (as Stewart did Tuesday night, taking down David Frum) it weakens their case and they should lock that down one way or another.

Making the writers look bad
Colbert is a gifted performer and his ironic persona has proven to be remarkably durable, even bulletproof. He's well equipped to work without a net and I actually think he's a bit better without writers. The show's at its best when Stephen's out on the high wire, and at its worst when

Pia Zadora's Golden Globes
I must confess that ever since reading as a teenager that Pia Zadora was a winner at the Golden Globes, I have been horribly confused about the entire thing for a number of reasons.

Modern Douchebaggery
I'm living a sheltered life.
I had no idea things were getting this bad out there.
Also, how long has Faustino been wearing that dildo? I can't picture him without it now.

Actually, Rollen, Giamatti could probably make Howard the Duck work. What was great about the original HtD comic was the way it smashed a character from one genre of comics (funny animals) into the Marvel universe. And despite the fact that he was ridiculous by the standards of this universe, he insisted on being

Blake Lewis thinks he's
An Alan Parsons Project.

I don't know who that is…


No. The name of his band is "Heartbreakers", not "Tits".

Yeah I remember the Golden Poo callback a few weeks ago. I think it's intended as a recurring storyline following the various victims of Roger's cursed golden turd. It's like Peter and the giant chicken, only instead of a chicken it's a turd, and instead of fighting there's murder.
I can't be bothered to look it up

Mediocre Dad
The "hot-button" shows are definitely the lamest, although they are ostensibly the raison d'etre of the show (yes, I said "ostensibly the raison d'etre", suck it).
The shows in the past year where AD seemed to be really finding itself were the ones where they just went all the way down a crazy rabbit hole

Admit nothing
As an attorney I have to advise against trying this. Likely as not the RIAA will just use these letters to track you down and then as evidence against you in a lawsuit.
$5 may make you feel better but it won't buy you no love from the record industry.

Comments here?
There's a bold move, allowing comments on the Help Wanted ad. Now we can heap scorn and abuse on all the people who dare to apply for a job at the Onion.

If they aren't going to add in any value, I'm not sure if I'd want to own a copy, much as I liked the series. However, I'll definitely be buying one or two as gifts for friends who've never seen the show. it's a lot easier than trying to explain the Conchordes and why they're so damned funny.


For a while Family Guy went through a phase where they were gleefully indifferent to people like you who didn't like the show. They seem to have moved past that into open hostility towards the vast majority who are not fans.
While obviously they didn't think "Hey, if we do another callback to Conway

It is a funny line.