Gentleman Ghost


Enough Sheenanigans! I gotta get some work done.

@J Serious
That freak out moment was classic!

Keep the reviews coming! I'm glad to finally see some more difficult challenges and longer endurance legs right off the bat. What a great start!

Once I saw that autistic kid from FlashForward, I knew it was game over for this show. Why did I watch this?

Thanks for the concern Barber, but everything's fine and good. I'm just glad my wife was working when it happened. She would have freaked. I can't take those sirens seriously with how many tests they run. Maybe next time I'll head to the basement instead of sitting on the couch in my undies watching something

@ Anywhere

I just saw a commercial where Bono was soliciting the public to buy AIDS pills for 40 cents a day. It's just not clear whether these pills give AIDS or prevent them. If you're reading this, Bono, just let me know.

O'Neal, I love ya buddy, but you gotta give the "Rube Goldberg" reference a rest every now and then. Put it on the shelf for a while and dust it off after a week or so, or until all the hipsters have forgotten about it. Give it some fresh legs, so to speak.


I prefer Jaleel White anyway.

I turned 32 not too long ago and I swear that I have early onset Alzheimer's.

Is that the Earth City next to the giant trash heap? Perfect place to put your degree once you finish up. Not that my degree in Swordfighting is much better.

One of the main themes of Fringe is consciousness. We've seen Olivia share consciousness with her ex-partner John Scott. In fact, a couple of episodes ago, she saw through the eyes of a killer and saw him as he wreaked havoc across the city. Maybe Bell's consciousness was transferred to Walter. It's a stretch…but why

Walter Bishop/ William Bell
Walter Bishop IS William Bell! Boom…Mind Blown! That's why William Bell has never been seen. Good 'ole Walter Bishop has a split personality to go along with his memory problems. Perhaps that's how Dr. Boone really knows Walter Bishop…he doesn't, he knows William Bell. Surely it's not a