
I don't think Eric bursting into flames was a decent cliffhanger, it would have been better if we'd seen Pam swooping in or something that raised more of a question mark. It works a lot better as a death scene but hey maybe there's an avalanche and he gets buried in it, why the fuck not eh. Eric naked sunbathing on a

"Thank you Big John, that was the shit."

You need to watch the whole first season at least. I couldn't connect to the show in the first two episodes but after learning more about the characters, particularly Jesse, I was hooked.

You went on the internet before watching Breaking Bad, what were you thinking son? I'm in the UK and I watched it at breakfast time otherwise I would have no right to talk to anyone or go online all day.

I've just realised that Kathryn Hahn and Ana Gasteyer are not the same person. Mind blown. 

Jim's not Asian!

I thought that too but I think the place she went was more like the hotel lobby of the main fairy land. That makes sense doesn't it.

"I found a baby armadillo by the side of the road, and I nursed it, and now it sleeps under my bed, and its name is Felix."

I'm just saying, it's a tough fucking bird

When Luna died in the first five minutes I took it as a sign that they'll be getting rid of some of the extra storylines this season. I think the werewolves and shifters only real purpose is to be another shocking thing for the rest of humanity to find out about and turn against. We need Andy and Terry for comedy

I can't stop thinking about Gus and his mysterious past in Chile. In the flashback when we saw his partner killed by the cartel they said they wouldn't touch Gus because they knew who he was. But Walter did kill him and so far there's not been any direct repercussions?

Hair chut-a-ney

I just finished rewatching Season 1 and some of Season 2 and I thought this deserved an A-

I haven't read all the comments so this has probably been covered already: Hannah's OCD didn't come out of nowhere, she's neurotic as hell all the time and Marnie mentioned the obsessive masturbating thing in an argument they had last season…so there.

I was enjoying the My Name Is Earl reunion and then it turned into TV heaven since I've seen Almost Famous around 1,837 times

Kind of surprised at the people saying this episode didn't "ring true". I've had more or less the same conversation in real life and I was bawling my eyes out at the swingset scene. I think Jemima Kirke is brilliant in this role, can't imagine anyone else playing the character and being half as good.

I really liked Season 1 but my love for the show has decreased with each new episode this season. There's one word to describe how watching this episode felt: tedious. 

Chef Alan only lives there because Mr Wolf lives there.

So there are no poor white people in East Chatswin except that one janitor who looks like Tessa…interesting. 

Yep, he held Amy's hand when they were watching Howard's shuttle launch (last episode of Season 5). It was a stand out moment and I thought this season would continue to be about their developing relationship and not as we've seen for the last few weeks about Sheldon being "a villain" or a total asshole as I would say.