
"My hatred of multimedia installation art has been reaffirmed."

That was definitely the worst episode to date. I loved Season 1 but so far I'm not liking this season. Hannah's rant at Marnie seemed really false, the words made sense but the way it was delivered…did Lena forget how to act that day? Just comparing it to her speech to Adam last season. On the bright side, I'm

It was 100% hilarious


Adam's arrest was the best bit of the episode, I think it might have been the only scene where everyone was acting like real people ( well as real as Hannah gets anyway).

Are there a lot of young black male Republicans in Brooklyn? I'm from the UK so I have no idea but I felt like Dunham was genuinely trying to wind people up with this character. And it was frustrating that he had absolutely no opinion on any of the topics she fired at him in their exchange.
I've enjoyed this show up

It was weird but I think they were just emphasising her preference for Mitchell as part of the bigger storyline about Cam's insecurity. They could have picked a less strange way of doing it though, even girls who go through the pretend wedding phase generally don't try and marry their father.


The only problem I have with "cartoony" shows is when they introduce a normal person character who will inevitably flee the scene because they can't cope with the insanity. I think Eden's character was verging on that cliche so I'm glad she's gone. Other than that I love the humour in Suburgatory.

Well most people who hate this show like to dedicate their time to watching it, reading about it and writing about it. I think you should give it a go and then write a thousand word comment for next weeks episode.

I hated Adam during Season 1 but after rewatching it I started to understand, as the reviewer described, how he's completely literal and straight forward. It is a strangely admirable quality, maybe more so when contrasted with Hannah's game playing. However, I still think surprise peeing on someone in the shower is

Fresh Meat is brilliant! I've just watched the first two seasons and I wish there was more. It reminds me of Spaced which is a very good thing.

I'd give this episode a D and that's me being generous because I used to love this show. At what point did they decide that Sheldon was going to evolve into a "villain"? He was going in the opposite direction, remember at the beginning of the series there was that scene where he talked to Penny about breaking up with

Jeff Who Lives At Home is also on my list

Jeff Who Lives At Home is also on my list

Beasts of The Southern Wild, Carnage, On The Road, Moonrise Kingdom and Martha, Marcy May, Marlene are on my list this year. But you've reminded me of how many films I haven't seen yet so that could change.

Beasts of The Southern Wild, Carnage, On The Road, Moonrise Kingdom and Martha, Marcy May, Marlene are on my list this year. But you've reminded me of how many films I haven't seen yet so that could change.

The old woman in the food coma sketch was also in the hide and seek sketch in Season 1 and she is brilliant! I don't know who she is but I want to see her more!

The old woman in the food coma sketch was also in the hide and seek sketch in Season 1 and she is brilliant! I don't know who she is but I want to see her more!

Bad review, bad episode. The spanking thing just didn't seem very Sheldon-esque? I miss the old Amy before she became perpetually randy but at least that storyline is going somewhere unlike the rest of the characters.