
It could also be that the information that the characters offer to Luke and June is not reliable, even though it may be well intentioned in Zoe's case. I would like to see what the Commander would say about the Handmaid policies.

What you described is exactly what is currently happening in Jordan, Lebanon, northeast Kenya, Ethiopia (the description is particularly apt for western Ethiopia), and Djibouti, all of which have encampment as their official policy.

I also want to know if American refugees can make a life in Canada. Generally, there are three strategies dealing with refugees: resettlement in a third country (not happening here), integration (where refugees have full access to the opportunities and rights of citizens, save voting) or encampment (where refugees are

I liked the comments, but I disagree that because the tone of the episode is so different, which I would describe an abbreviated jail break movie, that something like this episode shouldn't be here.

Prediction: Lockhart's Lobster Roll is Luisa Lockhart's Lobster Roll (bankrolled by Cole of course). She strikes me as classy but casual. Much like the restaurant.

In re: first point… well, then she should state that and meditate in the review why the writers made that choice to not include the LGBT point of view through the use of an LGBT character (in her opinion but not completely in fact - RD's nephew was involved), instead of making normative remarks about the show's moral

For argument's sake, let's say your statement was correct with one major substitution: "must" would replace "should." See the difference with your statement? And the altered statement's similarity to my original assertion? (it's roughly the contrapositive).

Kayla has relied on the fallacious argument of "If you aren't a minority, then you have nothing meaningful to say about that minority" twice now. We saw this with the Ferguson episode, and now far more overtly in this less controversial episode with Diane's subplot.

Peter is womanizing (call girl soliciting, even), rich sleazebag, and he's a Democrat.

I smell recount.

Hannah: the apple does not fall far from the mother's tree.

That sounds like a dual "Girls"-"Looking" spinoff where Ray and Patrick move in together and try to outsqueal each other.

Save for the brief "Was I last to know?", everything that Shosh said and did was right on point. She was other-directed (as opposed to self-centered) in a way that none of the other characters were.

It's interesting how Marnie looking for feedback is really Marnie looking for validation, Shoshana looking for feedback is really Shosh venting her frustration, and Hannah's looking for feedback is really Hannah looking for a way out.

When the author put down that Elizabeth's wig was "kicky," all I could think about was Elaine Benes's "full body dry heave set to music" with the little kicks and the thumbs.

They did that last year too, but eventually changed it. The only one that's off is Susan Misner's, which has the feminized version of her last name, which isn't done for either Keri Russell and Holly Taylor and it's typically not done in Russian to foreign last names unless she was born in Russia (e.g. an American

"I think this show would have been a lot more interesting if it had been about Meredith Kane, abused wife, throwing over her overbearing and powerful husband, inch by inch."
Looking back, you just described the Good Wife. And it has Connie Nielson in it.

"I think this show would have been a lot more interesting if it had been about Meredith Kane, abused wife, throwing over her overbearing and powerful husband, inch by inch."
Looking back, you just described the Good Wife. And it has Connie Nielson in it.

"Racism is something that affects people's lived realities in big and small ways every single day"

Another question that I would have is "would this review be any different had Ferguson and Staten Island gone to trial and the officers in those cases been found guilty?" I think it would have been. If that's indeed the case, then that's sad - it means this episode is being judged under some criterion not under its