
Also, I don't think it's so easy to get Matthew Goode out of his contract with CBS. From the perspective of his career, he would be one of perhaps 20 people in the Downton ensemble, where he'll be one of perhaps seven in the TGW main cast- and perhaps the only major heartthrob, whereas with Downton he'd have to share

My question would be: If you HAD to go to the race relations place, what would the episode look like with this cast and plot? I have read reviews that TGW gazes critically at everything "under capitalism," so it was only a matter of time that this topic would come up using that observation.

Also, could Cuesta become the new John Sirica for the Florrick administration? He seems ticked off at the Florricks enough.

I thought Johnny was going to resign after his talk with Eli. Then the kiss. Aside from having to remove myself to the bathroom to get over that kiss, the second thing that went through my mind: Could this kiss be construed as sexual harassment by Alicia? I got visions of Paula Jones describing her encounter with Bill

My first instinct was that Kalinda only has 3 more episodes to go before leaving. It would be unexpected for the midseason finale, and it would cause a lot of strife in FAL's dynamic. And Robin could come back! I don't like Robin as much as Kalinda, but Robin is one of my more favored recurring characters.

Not submissive in general, submissive to him. If she can kick other people's asses while putting him on a pedestal, even all the better for him.

I think Peter's infidelity has very little to do with Alicia and more about what he wants out of a relationship, which is submissive and unquestioning adoration from a smart, beautiful woman. I would say that Peter and Alicia see each other as partners in a business relationship, like Alicia, Cary and Diane view each

One spaceship landed on Soldier Field, another was bound to land on the park next to it at some point.

To quote Alicia, "This is horse$#!t!" I'm 99% sure Prady always knew that he was going to run - or at least prior to the interview. The cookies in the dressing room lacked subtlety, he spent too much time talking about the cookies/fans/Panama hats, and if he was as serious to endorse and serious as a legal

I think it's social enterprise - either a buyer for a socially conscious/fair trade store or she actually runs the store herself (the latter is more likely in my opinion). Social enterprise is for-profit, which jibes with the qualifier "the price difference is negligible", but it needs to benefit earth/the poor

And another from the random pile: one suggestion to the writers - I know that they have always wanted to do a musical episode. They should do it! Have it take place in Elsbeth's mind and have her imagine the different characters singing songs. Each song would lead Elsbeth to a different epiphany. Kalinda could sing

Chuck Schumer's cameo reminds me of the old joke - "The most dangerous space to be in on Capitol Hill is the space between Chuck Schumer and a video camera."

Jordan Catalano's, Rayanne Graff's and Rickie Vasquez's friend from "My So-Called Life"

Now, Grace has a storyline. Grace is undergoing the same "education" here that Alicia is going through. First lesson: she can't be fully honest all the time to all people or she hurts somebody (I think that Alicia said something along these lines in season one or two). And Grace chose, quite maturely I might add, her

There are sometimes I wonder if the Kings didn't just decide to update Eleanor Roosevelt's story in the form of Alicia. The parallels are stronger than Hillary Clinton or Silda Spitzer. Here are the parallels.

In the pilot, I had assumed that Noah's version was further from the "actual truth" than Alison's (or externally consistent), but I'm not too sure this was true. I felt that Alison's version of the discussion with Noah in this episode could be mistaken for Noah's version of the discussion with Alison on the beach on


Yes, it's an amazing pick (says the guy with the Russian word as his screen name).

In re: Archie Panjabi leaving, I'm deeply ambivalent - I wish that she would stay, but I can understand that she doesn't have the same emphasis as before: so time to go. I always have seen her as somebody who was ruthlessly competent, but I think she views how she got that way was because of circumstances beyond her

When it comes to that scene, it's interesting that the pilot had her facing this insurmountable mass of cameras, whereas this episode had Eli, perhaps for no other reason, stating that the mass is more like a wall - one row and that's it.