
what I would like is to see other people's view of the affair, not just Allison's or Noah's - like Helen's or Cole's or even the in-laws, if only for a few episodes. I hope it's in the cards. Maybe that could be the second season. Great pilot.

It was an odd line in the context of Noah's portrayal of himself. Allison saw him as more forceful and extraverted (eg Alison's description of Noah's interest in outdoor showers made him look like an enthusiastic 16 year old boy) I think placed in context of Alison's description, the line makes more sense in that he's

It's not that I didn't like her (the fairy costume ranks high in my WTF moments of all-time TV watching… and by WTF, I mean amazing). It just seems random. We see her last when Alicia is grieving and then before when Grace is finding herself. Is she the oranges of "the Good Wife"? Not presaging death, but more

1) I think Lauren isn't Peter's love child - that would be too obvious and melodramatic. Ramona just being Peter's mistress is much more likely and probably more age appropriate. They seem to like each other. And to be honest - if that putative relationship started after Will died, good for Peter. At least he was

I think there's something else going on here. The Good Wife is probably
as good as not showing what is happening and relying on subtext as Mad
Men, if not better. Girls tried to do it for the whole arc of last season re: Iowa, but Lena Dunham made it completely unexpected with no subtext or real warning.

For a show that seems to be rather fastidious with period authenticity, the shot of Church of Christ the Savior at the very beginning was a glaring oversight. The original was destroyed in 1931, and it was rebuilt in the 1990s. In 1981, the location was home to the world's largest swimming pool.  Good ep though.