Clint Eastwood

That's debatable.

Positive reviews all over the place? Check.

I just wanna let y'all know that I turned down any and all offers to speak again this year. Hope you all enjoy the hotrod of sexual charisma that is Ted Cruz instead. [sarcasm]

The chair is declaring: "Not very."


It is funny.

Coincidentally, “…” is what millions of stunned Americans will be saying this fall after they see the rising medical costs from Comrade Obozo's new health care plan.

I declare this cover to be: ADEQUATE.

However, it should still beat out Trouble with the Curve, which is a movie that existed, in case you couldn't remember.

Pretty much.

I identify myself a lot with that Kenneth Parcell fellow.

I used to be like you, Bend, especially during seasons 3 and 4. But you know what happened? I kept watching. I ended up liking seasons 5 and 6, and I think season 7 has been one of the best final seasons of a sitcom I've ever seen.

You know what's weird? This week was the first time a 30 Rock episode got an A since season three.

To be honest, I'm not really Clint Eastwood either. Believe it or  not, I'm actually…

….Clint Motherfucking Eastwood.

And he was always great to have a conversation with.

And he was always great to have a conversation with.

You're damn right it will!

You're damn right it will!

Invisible Obama is saying that, by reading @avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus's comment, it is experiencing what us humans would call "amusement."