Kurtz Got Off The Boat

The line after reads, "Which is why they will follow us… Ever to the Right!"

real entertainment
I'd rather watch Mr. Sutherland's teeth getting pulled out w/ pliers in a filthy basement.

too much alcohol & coke
The oil embargo was in '73 (under Nixon), and not in '75. (Jesus fuck, I was only 7 at the time & _I_ can fucking remember that!)

Yes, it was made into a 6-part mini-series, and was incredibly faithful to the book in both plot & tone.

"Survivor, was only just getting started … but [Series 7] it got the syntax of reality television exactly right."

Oh, those iternant long-haired hippies
You try scrubbing them out, you try soaking them out…

What puts Sorceror above WoF for me is the way it divides the story. WoF has two parts, and the introduction of the situation breaks the basic rule of "show, don't tell." The second part, the actual delivery, deserves all the praise heaped upon it. But the first part in WoF drags, and Friedkin's "gritty re-boot" does

Kick! Kick!

to the authors….
Find out who told you that James Jones' novel was "anti-war" and stop listening to them. It is neither pro- nor anti- but written as realistic as possible. If you don't like what you read, sure, it's 'anti-war'. If you get off on the violence, it's 'pro-war.'

….and Courtney Love as the drug heroin.

an exchange that has never left me
Mr. Kepoecne who thought he was a werewolf.
Kepoecne: It's getting hot in here. My tongue… it's swelling up…. (begins to pant like a dog).
Nick: Barney!
Kepoecne: (paces around in cage) I gotta get out of here. I gotta get some sleep. Tomorrow I have to get up & go to worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!

Yes, if Elric was done right… And I'd like to shit golden sausages. Mad props to Mr. Moorcock for not allowing Elric to be sullied by anything but the best. Which, when you factor in Hollywood, doesn't really exist.

Oh, I don't know. Whenever anyone insults my culture and preens that "his side" will all win out in the end, I tend the agree w/ them & get a strange desire to send them money.

This is Awesome!
Now, if only they would make a remake of Robin Hood or Sherlock Holmes as well. Those will always be fresh.

This is Awesome!
Now, if only they would make a remake of Robin Hood or Sherlock Holmes as well. Those will always be fresh.

No mention of The Last Waltz, huh? I know you guys at AVC hate hippies, but to totally ignore it when discussing concert films… That's just cold.

Best. Line. Ever.
I now pronounce you man & wife. Proceed w/ the execution.

I also compare Capt. Aubrey & Stephen Maturin to Richard Sharpe & Sgt. Harper. They all fought during the same time period, on the same side, but are completely different in the presentation.

It _was_ an actual ship, the only 'inaccuracy' was that it sailed in the 1500's and was captured by Sir Francis Drake. (There's more to the intertubes than wikipedia, folks.)

You make a very good & valid point, thanks for the perspective. I didn't go into any detail, but I think the movie succeeds because of moments like yours, people can take a lot of different things from it, depending on their circumstances, attitude, etc, far more than your straight A-is-A type movie.