Kurtz Got Off The Boat

Everyone is correct in their critique
Which is why, in spite of the many reasons I didn't like it, I think the film is an incredibly unique success. It will reflect much of what the audience brings to it.

"And Max Von Sydow has a Lifetime Pass in my book. Not sure why, come to think of it, but he always has. "

Making fun of Neil Young is like mocking the way people dance. It's an easy joke that takes no amount of talent whatsoever. Anyone who's ever commented on the AVC could have gone up there, worn the same outfit & been just as funny.

Steerpike, of course it doesn't. And while I didn't enjoy them, there are those whose taste I still respect who did. Now, there is a cult canon of work that is accepted among these hallowed halls of AVC. If you haven't read Mervyn Peake, you should at least be aware of it & where it stands among fantasy literature. I

I don't like haters, so I'll try not to be one myself.

The meershaum pipe is also 'not canon.' It was introduced on the stage, because the actor portraying Holmes found it was the best pipe to balance in his mouth while still making his lines clear.

Listen all you DS haters, guess what? Carpenter made part of it as his thesis project at USC, then finished it after he graduated. Now how many of you out there even went to grad school, and of those, how many have their master's thesis being discussed, critiqued & appreciated decades later?

OK, I'll admit it
Every time I see the word "Fragile", I hear Darren McGavin pronounce it "Fraa-JEE-Lay."

This article should be saved as the starting point for the Hipster Douchebag Bible. Because the one thing that HD can't do is immerse themselves in the experience, view it from the inside, and come out & discuss it. They are always on the outside looking in, or trying to make it backstage to see the strings.

A fair trade???
I don't know about that…

I'm so glad
Now that he has all that time on his hands, he will no doubt devote his every waking hours to getting Dangerous Visions 3 to print.

An Assignment for some Intrepid Reader…
I'm not going to bother answering the question, as so many folks already have.

This movie broke the most basic law of writing, something I was taught in fucking middle school: Never end it w/ "It was all a dream." By doing so, you're basically admitting you have no clue how to end your story and that you don't think much of it to begin w/.

What about…
Driver 23? I don't care what you say, there's no way that guy is real. That's not a real documentary. No one could be that clueless and still have friends, let alone a wife.

Eyes melt, skin explodes, everybody dies…. So immoral, working on the thing can drive you mad. That's what happened to this friend of mine. So he had a lobotomy. Now he's well again.

I really didn't like the 'fake' line, as you could easily substitute a few keys words in the article and have it describe a lot of different faiths. Catholicism is the big one that comes to mine, although Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Mormon, Lutheran also come to mind.

Which was the style at the times.

Don't you understand, Phil Maybe? The bankers & financiers on Wall Street who paid off politicians so they'd remove the oversights on predatory lending/loan sharking and then had the outgoing administration give them billions in taxpayer money that the new administration was blackmailed into going along w/, and who

You know, Zeppo, there are a lot of well-funded organizations that hire folks to trawl the net-tubes and give positive spin to their corporate agendas in comments-sections such as this one.

Nice false dichotomy there, Ghaleon. I don't know which of these "psychotic lefty haunts" you visited, but I doubt they had as many hits per day as FR. Simply put, the crazies out there who identify as 'left' do not have the popularity or visibility that the current rightwing nutjobs have. Where are the lefty crazies