Kurtz Got Off The Boat

The Fairness Doctrine gets a lot of attention, but there was something else that Reagan did that had a far greater impact on tv journalism. Before him, the news section of the networks were not required to bring in profit. The idea was that they provide a Public Good, and that it would be subverted if they had to be

Wow, Quirk, you really took me back. Back to the time where households were loyal to networks, like a brand name. We were an NBC house, so I watched John Chancellor. Harry Reasoner was ABC & Cronkite was CBS. I have no idea why my dad watched NBC, he just did.

Uh, Lord RC, he wrote "hell," not "the land where stupid people go when they die." So your comment about Jane Fonda is ill-informed.

I'm going meta here….
Instead of indicating specific cultural works, I'm going to point to two great American inventions that completely changed their respective art forms: The short story & the electric guitar.

I understand where you're coming from, AJR. Just remember: judging the quality of music based on the actions of it's enthusiastic fanbase is a bar so high that no one can jump it. We'd all be listening to Gregorian chants. The teeny boppers of Beatlemania still make the world's greatest rock 'n roll band look like

Only the Germans can get away w/ putting keyboards into a HM group.

Let's see… I don't have the Mocking talent, but I _do_ have the Sarcasm Skill at 11, which defaults to Mocking (-2), so my roll is a 9. Ha! a 4! Steve Jackson is very shamed. Let's roll an Ego Check, adding 5. Ha! an 11, which gives me a 16. He bursts out crying & runs from the room like a little girl.

You beat me to it. This was the first thing I thought of, it not only changed me, it changed everyone I knew. Before this, people had heard rumors of a new kind of music, but it wasn't played on any of the radio stations around. People may have heard the word 'punk,' but few really knew what it was. 'New Wave' hadn't

No one's gonna push him like you want him to be anymore.

Another thing is that he received minimal help (only from Lennon) in learning to write songs. The biggest tension in The Beatles wasn't between John & Paul, it was between Paul & George. Paul made sure George's songs didn't get the work from the producers & engineers & the other Beatles that his (& John's) songs

I actually paid money to see Neighbors. In the crappy mall four-plex. I think I had forgotten about the entire experience by the next day, and have never once thought about it until now.

"…and then finding out you're dead. "

This is an easy one…
Richard Linklater-land. Endlessly walking around Austin, TX on a spring day, getting stoned w/ the Kiss-adoring teenagers, hooking up w/ a beautiful French chick, learning rock 'n roll in elementary school, and turning into an animated character while philosophizing on the meaning of life.

Actually, JJ, the objection is to giving the site hits. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of AVClub readers share your "desensitization." I don't have a problem w/ actually looking at the photographs, I have a problem w/ the people who want to provide them to me. I thank The Guy for Pointing Out that the website is

Nope. Totally straight. I saw it on the VH-1.

But really…
Who would come out on top in a battle between Lizzie Borden & Anne Frank?

I'm surprised none of the AVC'ers mentioned this song. You can feel the heat of the slamming sun w/ every chord.

If real teenagers were this self-aware, confident & smart as this movie makes them to be, we'd all be living in a very fucked up world. They are not. I work w/ teenagers frequently, and even the brightest still suffer from low self-esteem and just plain lack of experience.
Once I let that go (and it wasn't easy), the

"And Robert Anton Wilson is Umberto Eco with dick jokes. "

Geez, Kara, ever go to the Drudge Report? What about the PNAC? You'll find plenty of folks there that wouldn't see ANY satire in Kelly's work. Unless you're saying that neo-conservatives are complete morons, which is another conversation altogether.