Kurtz Got Off The Boat

We're on the way to Eden, Hey-ey-ey-yah Brother! I love the shot of the engineering stooge gettin' down to the music, while Scotty shakes his head in disgust.

C'mon, lighten up, guys. I can understand Zim's confusion. Yes, Kelly's cartoons are satire, but when you compare them to Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, they're not very different. The right-wing has become a total self-parody, except they're deadly serious, so it's really not that funny.

It is June 16th
Guess I'll go for a long walk
And think many thoughts

I am really getting tired of the current CW where everyone genuflects to Joel & Ethan. It's like everyone at the AVClub & their commenters would kill their mothers to lick the pus out of the boils off their asses. Some Coen movies are great, some have far more artifice than heart, and their sequence in Paris Je

Sulu had some great romantic moments, w/ Lt. Uhura. She toyed w/ him in "Mirror, Mirror," and had one of her greatest lines in "The Naked Time."
Sulu: I'm here to rescue you, fair maiden!
Uhura: Sorry, neither!

The 'List of Accomplishments' is missing a bunch of squiggly lines on the screen, explaining to me just where everyone went & what happened.

Why didn't he give BBT a kick in the ass?

Yes, WitchF, The Long Goodbye is not something for newbies to start off with. It is a singular novel w/ many appreciators here & elsewhere, and it will inevitably be brought up whenever the subject arises. (And anyone who describes Chandler's characters as "black and white" never seriously read him.)

You nailed it, Ernie. The word for "The Long Goodbye" is heartbreaking. It's not depressing or devastating. At the end of the novel, you're not in despair of the world or mankind, like you get w/ Dick or Kafka or Orwell. You're like Rick Blaine, your guts may have been torn out, but your life goes on, you can open up

I can understand where you're coming from ET, but you can't remove the style from the city (or western WA). Grunge is unlike any other "style", which is all very much free of place and time. Grunge came from a group of geographically linked individuals of a similar generation. The scene was small enough that if your

This episode of Bob & Ray…
…has been brought to you by Einbinder Flypaper. The name in flypaper you've gradually grown to trust over the course of three generations.

Are these they?

True Story
We threw a party once, in the late 80's, and while lots of people showed up (most of whom I didn't know), I was kinda bored. Sometime after midnight I threw on Yoo Doo Right & put it on repeat play. The crowd thinned out, even the folks I invited and after an hour, there were only about five people left,

I also like 'X' the Unknown (aka Roc Deathsinger) but I'm a geek that way.

Yes, we're all individuals
"Fans of X…have been known to become more than a little obsessed with X, quoting lines and raving about certain scenes and generally acting as evangelists for X"

book v film
Adapting is an art in itself. The directors who have succeeded the best are those who see another story than the one in print. Like the blind men & the elephant, they realize that the True Story will never be told, but simply offer up another version, the Story told visually. Thus, each work adds an

Are people who end their posts w/ "discuss" lame? Discuss.

Let me be clear: this is not MY attitude, but the attitude of the industry. The economic reality in the US is that people will not pay for the news that is important to their lives & the life of their society and culture. The cost has to be offset by the activity of commerce, in both advertising & the classifieds. It

I really liked "I Have No Lawyer and Yet I Must Sue." That was awesome. Also his anthology, Dangerous Visions 3. That totally rocked.

Stop hand-wringing over "Journalism"
Yes, the internet is responsible for this collapse, but it's not the blogs or Huffington or any other site that tries to produce 'news.' The sites that brought the P-I are Craigslist, eBay, etc. The revenue from the classifieds is what made the difference in a newspapers' budget.