
@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus  I'm certain the "universal translator" properties of the TARDIS have been mentioned a couple of times, usually whenever a new companion wants to know how they manage to understand the blorgons.

This poor guy has never heard about the looms, has he?

As much as I also would've liked to see a non-white male play the part (Sanjeev Bhaskar is my pick, for some reason), I think people lose sight that the reason it'd be awesome is because there's no in-universe reason it can't happen, and it'd be great for cultural representations/perceptions. The idea that it'd be

I love the lack of parents. It helps create the 'alterna-world' of Brick, of course (kinda like the permanent 1950s stylings of TBB), but it also helps capture the feeling of being a late teen, where you become more independent and feel completely separate from your parents (which probably ends when you're about 21 or

Plus seeing as John Goodman's character died it'd be pretty easy to handwave. Finally got rid of that guy, replacement isn't nearly as intimidating, A/C repair school is still the big cheese on campus but it's just not as nearly as Illuminati-like now. I mean the resolution of that arc was Troy telling them how weird

The Good Neighbors was the American title of that sitcom, which is slightly confusing but I guess acceptable for this site.

I think there's a different problem with you not understanding the joke. Bread, white or not, is not a typical dessert offering for British people.

They just did two best of 2012 episodes. So either listen to those, or find the list of episodes they took the highlights from and start with those. Probably the easiest because the other option is everyone arguing which episode is their favourite, which'll leave you with about fifty choices…

i've never understood the "read title, rush to comments section" method of reading news.

Explain this more, because I'm not getting it. People who rip/upload streams get it from TV recordings, so wouldn't that mean the original airing would also have the poor mixing?

Explain this more, because I'm not getting it. People who rip/upload streams get it from TV recordings, so wouldn't that mean the original airing would also have the poor mixing?

see, i feel completely differently—if rusty venture is the man he is today because of his fucked up upbringing, then 'venture bros' is about the fucked up upbringing & development of hank and dean.

see, i feel completely differently—if rusty venture is the man he is today because of his fucked up upbringing, then 'venture bros' is about the fucked up upbringing & development of hank and dean.

@avclub-401f66b5b93edd22fc42055d09ff5425:disqus With a multi-cam setup you can film from multiple angles at the same time, eliminating re-takes (well, mostly). Also common camera positions are marked out on set or at least memorised so directing them are easy. You can shoot a multi-cam episode in a day or two, while a

Has 'spirituality good/technology bad' been stated by someone working on the show as a theme? I ask because even though I've seen this suggested before I've not picked up on anything like that, barring Korra's pragmatism which seems more like a character trait similar to Aang's desire for fun over seriousness in his

Has 'spirituality good/technology bad' been stated by someone working on the show as a theme? I ask because even though I've seen this suggested before I've not picked up on anything like that, barring Korra's pragmatism which seems more like a character trait similar to Aang's desire for fun over seriousness in his

When I first saw this episode I was probably the same age as Bart, and well, we've all had that experience, so this episode holds a special place for me. It captures those kinds of crushes really well.

When I first saw this episode I was probably the same age as Bart, and well, we've all had that experience, so this episode holds a special place for me. It captures those kinds of crushes really well.

clearly he's referring to Jeff's Vincent Price impression in "Lunar Studies and French Cuisine"

clearly he's referring to Jeff's Vincent Price impression in "Lunar Studies and French Cuisine"