
Compared to his usual ~chaos is a laddah!~ levels of ham and cheese, he came off as positively restrained in that scene.

Even though the actress is a bit older and looks it, Sansa is supposed to be 14 on the show, so the age difference is still a pretty big deal. But it also doesn't hurt your creep-factor to bring up how you wish that someone had been your daughter before shoving your tongue in their mouth, I guess :P

That definitely felt like the cinematic equivalent of a "no homo," lol

Seriously! "Sorry Lords of the Vale, she totally tripped and fell."

They've really done Sansa dirty in the show, IMO. Her plotline this season has been so weirdly paced and chopped up while we've had so much filler in terms of what they've made up for Bran, Theon, Arya and the Hound, etc. to do.


I'm worried too. At this point, I'd be surprised if any significant number of the casual viewers remember that Tyrion was married at one point, let alone who Tysha is, but that backstory is such a critical part of his ADWD plot line.

Nah, Tywin definitely legitimately dislikes Tyrion - the show sets it up a tad differently to make Jaime look better, but even in the books I think his plans to send Tyrion to the Wall are more out of a sense of family duty than out of love. At the core of it, he blames Tyrion for Joanna's death and Tyrion's dwarfism

They've had him and Tywin both wear a chain made out of hands if they want to stick with that.

I watched all the skating live via a BBC stream and they did clear the ice in-between groups of every five skaters or so. If NBC doesn't even show half of the skaters' routines, though, it's not surprising that they cut the legitimately boring stuff.

Generally in the books, it seems like the cultures roughly align as: