sandbagger one

I grew up in the southeast US and never even tried Indian food until I was maybe 20 years old. Admittedly I had a sheltered childhood and my Dad was too cheap to ever take us to restaurants (plus he can't stand anything more spicy than ketchup). Spaghetti with jarred sauce was exotic to us.

My wife doesn't like excessive violence or cursing, plus she likes most offerings on Hallmark Channel. There's a fair amount one of us likes that the other doesn't— but plenty of stuff we both like. The taste differences mean there's less chance we'll get sucked into 8-hour binge watches together, and I'm fine with

That's going to be some memorable vomit.

That story is ludicrous.

"Laurie got offended that I used the word 'puke.' But to me, that's what her dinner tasted like." - Jack Handey

Too boring to stay awake, too loud to nap. Plus I had no Chapstick. I smoked cigarettes back then and I missed them, but I was ready to commit violence to get some Chapstick.

You know what they call it. You a smart motherfucker.

Wow! Fantastic news. I have to admit I was not optimistic.

Stock options? I have to admit, I'm buy-curious.

Flintstones fetish?

Me too, but substitute "torso shaped like a guitar body."

A licky boom boom down.

She's still missing, so it's worth boosting the signal.

You mean Twofer?

If I don't repost that thing about supporting our troops, everyone will think I hate my country!

Reluctant upvote because I can relate. It comes on right after I hit the early bird special, goddammit.

Please, I'm limiting my carbs until I drop 10lbs.

It's rad. Care to join me for some casserole and Mountain Dew?

Waxahachie is a town south of Dallas, TX. When I first moved to Dallas and pronounced it "WAX-a-hatchy," several people literally laughed in my face and told me it's "WAHX-a-hatchy… the way you said it sounds dumb."