sandbagger one

Moved the last of my stepdaughter's things out of our house (sucked), grilled salmon twice and had lots of uninterrupted time with the Sandbaguette (opposite of suck).

[Playing awkwardly heartfelt song on banjo] Let's ride this bike together… I'd love a rose but I will settle… for just a pedal.

Veep works pretty well.

It's the summer of Asian flavor experimentation for me and the Baguette, so thanks for the timely article!

People are watching for the right reasons.

Only separately and poorly.

Dan Reeder's "Work Song."

Boop boop be doop?

I've heard it described that way, but I think it's less romantic. You find a chemical that suits you, and add it to a brain that is wired to prefer being high all the time. Over time you build a tolerance, spend more time chasing the high, and parts of your life begin to crumble. But that's not as important to you

You stole my code, except mine said "LANDON SUCKS".

The Sopranos is an excellent show with memorable characters.

I need to get into this show. How do I get more hours in a week for things like this? I won't give up sleep, sex, or exercise.

The popcorn you are eating has been pissed in. Film at eleven.


Tell your children not to hear his words.

If James Garner were alive today he could sell anything to anyone, smartphones be damned.

Pulp Fiction is very good, but seems a little try-hard to me. Reservoir Dogs is much leaner (half the runtime, I think) and seems less indulgent when I rewatch. It's my favorite Tarantino movie, followed closely by Jackie Brown.

Strawberry jam is key.

I think my first question would be the same one I posed to my coworker who believes flu shots are a form of mind control: How much fucking marijuana do you smoke?

Plus Palmetto has Elisabeth Shue at the height of her powers.