sandbagger one

Studio audience: "Whooooooo!"

I wouldn't be sad. She gets to make some cash and get exposed to a larger audience. She's capable of showcasing serious chops while she does it.

I had to double check your math to believe this. Had no idea King of Queens was on for that long.

Don't underestimate the power of a dance-off. This profile will be like catnip.

Depends. If you like it really, really fresh it can be worth the effort.

I haven't thought about Jet's in a while, but I think this weekend's cheat meal is going to have to be an eight-corner pizza and a Choco Taco or two.

I was right there with ya on the booze intake. That's a lot of calories in itself.

Nice work on the weight loss! For me, just cutting out booze caused an effortless 40lb loss— but I drank an awful lot. After that tapered off I had to actually eat healthier food. Or more accurately, not eat Snickers and pizza so damn often.

Jesus, yes. If you've ever peered out of your tent in the pitch black and strained to see what is making noise outside your field of vision… that's quite a powerless feeling, and the movie set that mood well I thought.

Agreed. Saw it opening night knowing nothing about it except it was some found footage (before anyone had seen that before) about some kids who disappeared. My adult brain figured out the conceit *couldn't* be real once bad shit started happening, but suspending disbelief was much easier than your average horror

I think I went into this movie the best possible way: It was premiere night at an Atlanta arthouse, and all I knew is it was some kind of documentary about some college kids who got lost in the woods. There was no found footage genre, so no one knew what to expect. By the time I figured out "No family member would

I think children's lefty scissors are a cruel joke. They are clearly designed to make both hands feel stupid.

You spend your childhood trying to cut with right-handed scissors— your whole fucking formative years— then tell me you haven't earned sweet vengeance from this unfeeling world.

How do we know all life is not a coma dream? What would be the difference? "Beauty School Dropout," of course.

She's a fun Twitter follow.

Now I want potato chips.

I admire your sand.

I assume Geraldo's glasses are worn for everyone's protection, like Cyclops from X-Men. So what comes out if he takes them off?

That's a hint that your breath is bad. Take the gum.

Only if the character can be named George Jetson this time.