sandbagger one

Everyone. Blowjobs are California's chief renewable export.

Nothing but love. I was keeping it succinct and giving a shout out to my original CD from 1998.

Could be shortened to just "Bring back Terriers."

Clutch, "David Rose." That is all.

Big Hungry Joe


There actually is decent martial arts instruction to be found if one wants to learn it. I was channeling 12-year-old me who asked for karate lessons for his birthday expecting to learn spinning whip kicks instead of bullshit fundamentals. I also begged for Nike Airs because I truly believed they would help me dunk a

Their commercial for Loaded Curly Fries are made for the Bob and David tagline: "When you eat like a giant baby with money…"

Steak their reputation. Nice!

Now I'm hungry. And it's four hours til dinner!

I studied karate as a young lad just so I could chop tables in half and kick a hole in the ceiling to make a point. My instructor found more value in doing pushups and learning how to move and block. Apparently there's no quality instruction for becoming a hardfaced black-cloaked motherfucker anymore. :(

Burk Sharpless is the name I'm going to start giving on the weekends.

This looks to be in my Redbox wheelhouse. Overstuffed plot and underdeveloped arcs are fine when I'm half asleep on the couch.

Great for foreplay though.

Can we throw in a Transformer?

*reads headline, holds breath, crosses fingers* Come on, Beta Ray Bill…

Not "The Last Dragon?"

Me too. I can't remember if they did this with Paulie on the Sopranos, but even if they only did in my imagination it was fantastic.

Why else was Dad in there for like 45 minutes?

I think that domain name is available.