Mr. Hollywood

I'm pretty sure that the Amish think black people are some kind of marsupial.

Some kind of Amish, possibly?

If the system didn't work, we'd all be in the shit hole.

"This belongs in a museum!"

It's all CGI, man.

After years of panning and digging for gold with no success, Prospector Pete gradually became Hermit Pete, shunning the rest of the civilized world for the company of chipmunks and racoons until one day an infected toenail turned gangrenous and led to his feverish demise.

I'd like to see a show centering on Claim Jumper and where they get their giant potatoes.


You do realize this is A.V. Club, right?

Fool's gold, tenderfoot.


At least it has a theme.

I'm not Mr. IMDB, for Christ's sake.

Can Castle escape from a straight-jacket hanging upside down?  I think not.



Nobody's forcing anybody to do anything.

He would certainly add a much-needed amount of clobbering.

I'm not really familiar with her.

That comment's going to haunt you.