Mr. Hollywood

I liked the first trailer better.  It didn't give away as much.

Just like the Wonder Years.

You're in luck!

Hopefully a few are Christmas vagina songs.

I don't need that much stuff!

You shouldn't have had them up your ass of all places my goodness what were you thinking?

She was a smoky old bitch.

No kidding.  This shit is about as exciting as a hinge.

Nobody really cares.

It's an even blander MGMT!

I read that FedEx only agreed to have their logo used, and never paid or received a dime from that movie.

Somebody's gotta pay for them!

They both suck(ed) on equal but separate levels.

"Henpecked" is no longer a politically correct term.

"CW" stands for "Comics World."

Thank you.  Thank you so much.  An oldie but goodie.

Anything you want, you got it.

"Stiller sucks!"  — US Weekly

Secret Life of Walter Gritty Reboot

"Jerry Bruckheimer?  What a horrible person." — A. Hitler