Mr. Hollywood

I fucked your topless mom in the mud.

E.T. ate a lot of Reese's Pieces, and it fucking killed him.

That's where I did my residency when I became a brain surgeon, too.  Hell of a medical school.

If you don't count Peanuts.

A lot of Fords had that stupid problem, including the legendary Mustang, which has the inlet hose to the gas tank completely exposed in the trunk, ready to be broken at the slightest rear-ender.  But the Pinto gets all the shit for it.

I read the fourth draft of Back to the Future the other day.  Biff calls McFly "dipshit" rather than "butthead."  And other things happen that didn't happen in the final shooting script.  Interesting, if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

It can't taste any better.

That sounds as bad as Uncle Touchy's Puzzle Basement.

I had a G.I. Joe figure that lost an arm.  I believe it was during the Tet Offensive.

16-year-old bush.  Might be illegal now.

In one of the clips above, it looks like they do a close-up on the stuntman.  I guess in the old low-fi TV days, they figured nobody would notice, or care if they did.

He's got quite the gut, too.  Nobody had a six-pack in the 70's.

I thought Ice-T was Belzer's driver.

Because nobody would ever believe that.

It's very overheated.

Eh, those Nielsens can be bribed, just like anybody else.  You just have to know what they want.

♫ I'm afraid of The Americans
I'm afraid of the world ♪

You want to see the way things were before Obama took away all the guns.


This corrupt American system will never survive.