Mr. Hollywood

Cheer up, fuckface!

Cheer up, fuckface!

Good guess.

Good guess.

It needed much more naked Kirsten Dunst.  But otherwise it was pretty good.

It needed much more naked Kirsten Dunst.  But otherwise it was pretty good.

It's a hammerfore.

It's a hammerfore.

St. Elsewhere cast shows up on an episode of Scrubs, continuing their trip through the TV subconscious?

And now you're old.

I'm more susceptible to advertising when my scrotum is wired with electricity.

There are plotlines that are slightly less rapey, but most of them have at least some tie-in with rape.  Sort of like Law & Order SVU: but with less murder and more rape.

How's the weather on your planet?

I remember it that way because I want to!

You know who wasn't a misogynist?

What an asshole!

People have a chemical need and instinct to reproduce, which is encouraged by society.  It's as if heroin was legal and encouraged, and if you decided that maybe the side-effects weren't worth it, you'd be considered a weirdo or mentally damaged in some way.

Yes.  She'll dump your sorry ass.

Yeah.  Not wanting to have children is never the result of sitting down and rationally adding up the pluses and minuses.

Exactly.  He is a consummate professional yet very friendly.  He has movie star glow.