Mr. Hollywood

I believe the correct punchline is:
"And an hour later, I wanted to rape her again."

Asians make lousy cops.

Homophobia a recognized component of African American culture, you racist!

I believe it was implied that they were previously hideous tentacled slime creatures.

Strength:  Good editing.
Weakness:  Lack of humor.

My screenplay:  Bad Cop, Worse Cop

Groovy Hendrix tune, man.

I assume you haven't been watching.  Like most people.

One of these days people on this site will be quoting Cop Out more than The Simpsons.

Another great way to handle it?  Ignore it.  People (including me) had already forgotten about it.

It was a true documentary, because it had Maria Shriver in it.

You trying to start an argument or something?

Has anyone been to a stand-up show recently?  They are loaded with bits highlighting negative stereotypes of all ethnic groups and homosexuals.  And everybody has their rape jokes.  So many rape jokes.

Yes, Sting was in the Bride of Frankenstein.

The book is shockingly dull.

What no Dirty Harry?

There's a special interactive feature now where you get to choose what they're holding.  Guns, walkie-talkies, Subway sandwiches, lightsabres, their weenies, iPads, or dildos.

Suffering of the Jaws.

This is the last year of the rest of your life.

No fangs, no creepy eye make-up, no blood (except for Harker's finger being cut).  It's pretty much dullsville.