Best Comment Ever

Steven Hayden
Is an idiot. Gun control laws have no effect on gun crime, areas with the strictest gun laws have some of the most gun crime while Vermont, which does not require permits, has almost none. IT IS NOT THE GUNS IT'S THE PEOPLE USING THEM. If someone isn't going to respect the laws against killing another

I was always disappointed there was no sequel to "Doorways in the sand", which was the only one I've read yet.

All this wouldn't be a problem
If Mexico wasn't such a shitty and corrupt country. Next comment down will be why America is responsible even when you fuck up your own country.

They are night and day, in that Bob Dylan is popular.

Completely agree on the "STOP SAYING SPY" issue. It's just dumb.

I think he's screaming up at us right now Amazing Jim

I was getting a more Metalocalypse vibe.

"Well I guess I'm the asshole" -Rabbit.

@Tree Fingers- Senate seats are for 6 years asshole. Granted them dem candidate was a disaster, but the republican is just a 6 year insult to anyone with intelligence. "I'm Scott Brown and I drive a truck" that's an SNL sketch, not a winning campaign slogan! You just stuck the country with 6 years of "It's Pat!".

I've from Vermont and I'm not saying we ALL think it would be a better country if ALL the people from the middle states chocked on a PBR pull tab that broke off and fell into the beer, but we do think it's a high percentage.
But then I think about Scott Brown………………….

Late Night with CoCo came on in 1993. Next year there will be hot chicks who do not know a world without Conan.

Amy Reid can stay though

It's been my experience that nowadays when some is called a "man of the people", it usually means "resentful of the smart". If you are NOT a snob I don't really want to know you or really know you draw breath, please go back to watching American Gladiators on tape. That Famous Border Bowl is getting cold.

IF anyone reading this edits Wikipedia, please change Jay's entry to indicate that he was killed in a fire today while visiting his puppy raping factory.

Also, if you like Leno please DIE. You are part of what is holding us back as a country, the world will be better without you. Does anyone really doubt that Leno fans are lobbying against gay marriage and health care, tainting our national spirit with mediocre stupidity. Not even stupid enough to be really funny,

Does anyone here edit Wikipedia?
It's be great if you could change Jay Leno's entry to state that he died in a fire today, possibly whilst raping puppies.

I love dropping whole onions at my Wustof chefs knife and watching them get cut just by the force of gravity.

Attention to Nerd detail
Anyone else recognize the music from "Excalibur" playing during the Bowie knighting sequence? That's craftsmanship.

@ worst person in the world
Obesity costs the health care system BILLIONS! Being disgustingly fat by choice causes all kinds of health issues like heart attacks, cirrhosis, the diabetes, erectile dysfunction, strokes, Oprah.
This show is what's wrong with America because it takes an annoying person who has little self

Good job showing you have the video game knowledge of the average Grandma, circa 1991. "Just pause it and make a sandwich, guy".
Side question, do you also call every video game "nintendo'?