I'd be completely convinced that the book was a gift from Gale, except for the damned U in honour.
I'd be completely convinced that the book was a gift from Gale, except for the damned U in honour.
I'd be completely convinced that the book was a gift from Gale, except for the damned U in honour.
It's established in an earlier show that Walt came up with Gray Matter by combining "White" with "Schwartz." Gretchen's maiden name has never been revealed. If it's Black, that's one hell of a coincidence.
It's established in an earlier show that Walt came up with Gray Matter by combining "White" with "Schwartz." Gretchen's maiden name has never been revealed. If it's Black, that's one hell of a coincidence.
If you want to nitpick, in "real life" a global drug cartel would almost certainly end up with a mix of dollars, euros, and yen. The euro has become a more popular method of black-market payment because there's a 500-euro note, which has been worth as much as $700.
If you want to nitpick, in "real life" a global drug cartel would almost certainly end up with a mix of dollars, euros, and yen. The euro has become a more popular method of black-market payment because there's a 500-euro note, which has been worth as much as $700.
The show establishes that ricin is a pretty awful way to go. It's in character for Walt to kill himself if the cancer is going to do it anyway—cf. the pilot where he's about to commit suicide-by-cop—but he's got the skill to come up with much faster and more painless methods.
The show establishes that ricin is a pretty awful way to go. It's in character for Walt to kill himself if the cancer is going to do it anyway—cf. the pilot where he's about to commit suicide-by-cop—but he's got the skill to come up with much faster and more painless methods.
The blackjack cover story works for both the cars and the watch, which is all that Hank's seen.
The blackjack cover story works for both the cars and the watch, which is all that Hank's seen.
The ricin is a fine powder. If you intend to open the vial, it's a hell of a lot safer for you if you're not eating or drinking anything. Or breathing much.
The ricin is a fine powder. If you intend to open the vial, it's a hell of a lot safer for you if you're not eating or drinking anything. Or breathing much.
All I know about smoking meth, I learned from the show. That said: that's a pot bong. They show characters smoking meth in smaller glass pipes.
All I know about smoking meth, I learned from the show. That said: that's a pot bong. They show characters smoking meth in smaller glass pipes.
Re Jesse: that can also happen if you're stoned out of your gourd on pot, or if you're just exhausted. Doesn't say anything that he's back on meth. My read is that he's sticking to pot, alcohol, and nicotine.
Re Jesse: that can also happen if you're stoned out of your gourd on pot, or if you're just exhausted. Doesn't say anything that he's back on meth. My read is that he's sticking to pot, alcohol, and nicotine.
Standoff with the DEA: too Hollywood. Not going to happen.
Standoff with the DEA: too Hollywood. Not going to happen.
Plus Walt's the guy who would come up with a way of laundering the money, if he knew it was too much. Totally in keeping with Skyler's character that she'd come up with this kind of solution—and also that she wouldn't tell Walt, and he wouldn't think of it on his own.
Plus Walt's the guy who would come up with a way of laundering the money, if he knew it was too much. Totally in keeping with Skyler's character that she'd come up with this kind of solution—and also that she wouldn't tell Walt, and he wouldn't think of it on his own.