
I'm not a huge Stephen King fan, mostly because I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but I've read probably a hundred books about writing, and his still stands out as one of the best. It's so down-to-earth and easy to understand. I don't agree with everything he says, but I certainly can appreciate how it's worked for him.

I wasn't a fan until he was on SNL. I would never say that he's my favorite or the best, but I think he's got talent, he seems charming, and I don't have an issue with his success.

One of the things I loved about this show was how genuinely wonderful the Weir parents are. My mom was so much like Mrs. Weir. Sweet, and sort of embarrassing without ever meaning to be.

Don't feel you need to read it in the Middle English. While you can make it out (and if you're a language enthusiast, it's kind of fun), if you want the story find a modern-ish version. You can always go back once you've read it through for the content.