
Luckily, I'm no one's casualty.

Is Right.

@avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus  HAS RETURNED.

I'm fairly certain Ferretcest pertains to Bolin+Mako.

I'm starting to question your Allegance to the Cause, Firecest.

Why would he Want to have feelings for anyone else though?

@Hati_Hrootvitnir:disqus It has to do with plastic cups and people with too much time, too little talent.

Not at All

My complaint is no Aircest all the time.

They were also Assuming the Position.

I'm pretty sure you just willed it into existence. More support for me.

Not much…

At this rate, do the whole damn keg in one stand when Aircest finally happens.

[Take notes on @avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus 's Invasive methods of acheiving acceptance]

I have not replaced you, for can we not exist side by side, siblings in arms?

Why are you not rejoicing @avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus , for your predictions have rung true.

You can probably guess why I think this shouldn't be so.

I think we both BRTFQ @avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus

I "Felt" the disturbance too.

I take compliment at Disgustingly Intelligent.