Nathan Ford's Evil Twin

Somehow not surprising at all.

Better watch Modern Family to compensate.


With this one easy trick they too can solve crimes while in a wheelchair! Their friends will hate them!

Pretty sure Family Guy is still Fox's most watched show.

Like, a couple hundred a month, and right now either Arrow or Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

I often hear that the "richer" a show, the more likely it is to be renewed because the advertisers pay more for slots because the viewers have more money. I've heard that this is the main reason The Good Wife and Castle are still around. Is this true at all?

" but because now that Mr. Schuster is going to inevitably twerk"

How could you be listing ambitious Raising Hope episodes without the best one: the Bar Mitzvah musical?

NBC's fallen for the classic blunder, the most famous of which is never get involved in a ratings war with The Big Bang Theory, but only slightly less well known is this: Never go against the fans, when Parks is on the line!

A raising? Ew, gross. Keep that to yourself.

(technically the show is three years old, entering its fourth season)

Which is as much respect Lindelof deserves.

I bet Goddard's been eye-ing that position for a while.

What the hell, I'll play devil's advocate. Given how much pressure Showtime/Summit probably put on her to make bland, crowd pleasing products, we can't really take those as indicative of how she'll actually write with less interference. Remember, Joss Whedon started out writing Speed, Waterworld, and Alien:

Oh sorry, that was supposed to be standard issue.
*gives Midnight sash*
NOW hand it over.

Are you implying that Arrow is superior to SHIELD because they will actually send their cast to Russia? Because The CW will never let that happen unless Moscow starts offering some sweet tax breaks. There are so many other reasons Arrow is the better show.

Aha! We've found him! The guy that watches Criminal Minds! Turn in your AV Club membership card and sash please.

Coupe > Cuthbert > Wayans > Pally = Wilson > Knighton

Because the blood angels in Hannibal are ARTISTIC and MATURE