Nathan Ford's Evil Twin

I mean, the real reason behind the change was because it was two girls that wanted to do it and they did. This was a no budget production in an academic building's basement (same space where I acted in an Ives play last week), so it was all on them. But yeah, it did add a bit.

That's a similar relationship I have. He has a really good eye for staging, and when I have an idea that's not really feasible or good, he's the first to call me out on it, and he's right most of the time. It helps that we were partners on a documentary project before this.

It's tough in my position, because I have to both be the director and in charge, y'know directing things, but at the same time bad decisions reflect poorly on all of us (as opposed to just the director, if this was a professional movie) so it's not fair for me to have final word. At least the only other people on my

Haha, I already had the writer on set (he also does lighting) challenge the shot list tonight right before we shot that scene. I buckled and went with his method because it would require less work and also fix a continuity error we accidentally created earlier, but man, you think he would have looked at the thing

Actually, upvotes show up as guests until you refresh. It was other member that upvoted you. This has been a message from the Pedantry Parade.

That is the correct takeaway from Much Ado.

Wreck-it-Ralph is another pleasant surprise from the animation studio that seems to be dealing exclusively in those these days. I'm excited for Frozen now.

It was a sexuality change, Jamie was referred to as a girl, and it was very well integrated. I guess they didn't have to change much. I honestly liked it better this way, since it sidesteps the old "guys with opportunity will always cheat" trope (my one problem with the original, though I get it's more nuanced) and

Dallas had commitments to another TV show as well, Once Upon a Time. Funny how that works out.

Yeah, I'm a few episodes behind on this season of AHS and have no desire to catch up. Which is weird, because I LOVED Asylum so much. But the racial issues here are just too much to play off, and Farmiga is nowhere close to being as sympathetic as Lana Banana and Kit. There's no wacko insanity like aliens or mutants,

I didn't choose Rocky Horror. Actually, I suppose it's worth mentioning that I produced that production, using the club funds allotted to me, and then also just generally being an overseeing presence on the production. (And boy did they need some overseeing. It was a mess for a while.) We packed the theater, so I'm

The first three Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, followed by So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.

Let's do my weekend…backwards!

I also thought it was funny. We should form a support group.

I'll go further. It's my second favorite Eleven serial, and my third favorite Moffat. It's brilliant.

That's not really a character flaw though, that's just something she screws up cause she has to in order to set the plot in motion. It has no lasting consequence.

Now I am the master, you are the student. It all comes full circle.

Can we throw Ace in there? Cause Ace could always use more love.

Which is why I'm upset he rarely writes standalones anymore.

Bit of a tangent, but you know who would make a great new Doctor if for whatever reason the BBC cast an American in the role? Aaron Paul. Guy can turn between comedy and heart wrenching drama on a dime.