hippy foreshadow

i watch shows like these with closed captioning on for whenever things get too "mumbly" for me (which is all too often). A lot of movies have whispering that is virtually unhearable, but CC solves these issues for me. Once you get used to it, it's barely a distraction.

Funny thing is I've liked Zooey's work for some time, primarily for her work in smaller films (Eulogy, The Go-Getter), and I initially liked her work in New Girl. But I quit watching New Girl about three years ago when Schmidt turned into such an asshole ('round the time he viciously tried to scuttle Jess and Nick's

Knowing that this show was designed to follow Big Bang Theory, I know it's not going to be too cutting edge, but it certainly pushed the envelope for CBS' core audience with the icicle-finger-up-the-vagina joke. I always enjoy Betsy Brandt and it looks like Colin Hanks finally found a role that grooves in his

Just gonna say that as fast as Peggy was typing, it had to be ad copy. Remember, typing on a typewriter is a million times harder to correct or modify after the fact than typing on a computer. She would've been thinking harder and typing slower for a resignation letter…unless she had hand written a draft first. The

I could not agree more. Schmidt was such a mean-spirited asshole that I could not stand to continue watching the show. I felt like I could NEVER empathize or sympathize with his character ever again. After being a faithful viewer for 2 1/2 seasons, I dropped the show for the rest of the 3rd season and have watched

I watched Mom several times in both the first and second seasons, and I've never seen a show that was hurt as much by the laugh track as Mom is. The canned laughter utterly stepped on some of the most poignant moments and effective line readings, ruining them for me. Ultimately, it ruined the entire show for me.

I promise you and everyone: Martha will not be killed off screen. Any respect for the character will be demonstrated by how she reacts to her imminent death.

I disagree that it was built into the show that Chuck and Jimmy would never work together at the company because "that's not Jimmy's fate." Sure, we know where Jimmy ends up as Saul, but it was entirely possible that Chuck and Jimmy could've worked together at HHM for six months or a year before that situation got

I'm so glad you made the plea to try to see it from Chuck's perspective and understand that he experienced years and years of Jimmy screwing up and Chuck having to deal with the fallout over and over again. Over time, that would burn such a entrenched opinion about his little brother that it would be very difficult to

Oh I had the same thought as well; a very easy presumption to make. I think it's a credit to the writers that they found a way to make clever little twists with what we think must happen because of what we've been shown and what actually happens. It doesn't affect the basic plot at all, but it makes watching episode

Yes, you're right. Kayla was being sloppy with her recap. Pay closer attention, Kayla! That's a pretty big misinterpretation that would have measurable impact on the degree of emotional guilt for two characters (Sarah and Danny)!

I agree with your thoughts entirely except I think that his irredeemableness has not made him entirely less compelling. I feel that Danny is still a very compelling character (and rivetingly portrayed) and the writers are doing a great job of depicting his mutation into a pure villain. This character arc was necessary

It was somewhere around mid season that I went from having measurable sympathy for Danny to having little sympathy at all. By this episode, it's gotten to the point where I'm actually cheering for his eventual murder. He's not just manipulative, he's bloody sociopathic and a growing, nearly lethal danger to the entire

Am I making a false presumption that we'll still see plenty of Robert in flashbacks in future episodes? There is so much mystery left to reveal (granted, a lot of that being when Robert was in his 30s), I figure Shepard will still have more appearances.

I find (American) business colleagues continually placing punctuation marks outside quote marks and it drives me batty. If you've read enough American-published novels and periodicals, punctuation marks look positively ugly when they dangle soooo farrrrr outside quote marks. But based on my experiences, I can assure

I may not agree with your opinion, but I'll fight to the death to protect your right…aww, fuck it, you're just a moron if you can't appreciate the artistry of The Americans.