
Maybe it's because I've just recently started watching again, but is Alex even more rude during contestant interviews than ever? I mean, I get that a lot of them are painfully awkward, but it's like he's going out of his way to let contestants know he thought they were uninteresting. His "Ohhhhhhh-kay" to Molly's

It's not on for another week (and I don't even watch it), but does anyone have any idea why all marketing materials for Mike and Molly are referring to it as "The NEW Mike and Molly?" What's that about?

The Real Housewives of Miami, Sonia! Not Atlanta!
(showing myself out)

How can you even begin to think of disliking Shirley at this point!?

Just about lost my shit at that eye explosion effect in the dating video tag. Always a good feeling to burst out laughing at something even when you're in a room alone.

I am normally fine at understanding accents, but combining that with the nonsense tech talk makes those characters almost completely unintelligible for me. Are they also mumbling?

I see forgetting The Originals is the new forgetting Sons of Anarchy.

I just watched Kiki's for the first time (going through the Ghibli canon - Only Yesterday is next!) this past weekend and I was so struck by the fact that there isn't a scene of Jiji talking again even after she regains her magic powers. Really sells all the bittersweet agony of transition and the losses of childhood

It will most definitely start earlier this year. In about a week the animated movie about freeing turkeys opens. Prepare for the War on Thanksgiving.

Dang, you beat me by 12 minutes with that comment!

Lisa burned the house down!

I couldn't believe I was watching those rapper scenes tonight, not only because they were racially weird, but because they were so horribly written. I feel like that first isolated scene was probably worse than anything from something like Beauty and the Beast this week. I have yet to finish FNL, but I was struck at

It could not have happened before iTunes. When her Fearless album came out, basically every individual song from it was in the Top 20 on the charts, even if they weren't official singles. I guess that qualifies for Billboard now, for the same reasons Glee always is challenging Beatles records now.

The face she makes in the press conference at the end of the first episode is forever in my memory. I love Toni Collette but that was not human.

Looks like they forgot The Originals too. Poor CW.

WHY is A.Bass only a guest star and not in the main titles? I'm upset and worried.

The teen taking 3 rights to avoid a left was priceless because that's STILL me.

She already was pissed at the baby this week! She had a passive aggressive line about how it didn't like her.

"Edgy" Charlotte looks remarkably like Melissa Rivers. 

The thing about the crossover is that The Critic was actually a good show. The writers knew to be self-aware about the crossover and it always struck me as dickish that Groening had such a hissy fit over helping out one of his FRIEND'S struggling shows. Unless there was bad blood I'm not aware of.