Visitor Q

I think he can still be funny. Using Jenny's height supremacy to get a trade was funny and was something anyone in The League would do, even Jenny has done things like that in the past.

The space in his front teeth was actually more endearing as a woman.

The load screen when a Sim goes to another lot is a huge step back from Sims 3. That was one of the best additions to Sims 3. I like being able to move from lot to lot to see what Sims are up to, especially when I have multiple Sims in the game I'm playing or had Sims I had been playing in that town and wanted to see

It's a game that requires the player to use their imagination. Come up with storylines for their Sims and play them out. Design a Sim. Design a home. Design a community lot. Design whatever. Put your designs together to make what you want or put them together and just see what happens.

Also this week is the 40th Anniversary release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre remastered in 4K. It's loaded with extras and special features with everything from the Ultimate Edition carried over plus some new stuff like two new commentary tracks (bringing a total of four commentary tracks), deleted scenes, and

Going by Always Sunny's group dynamic theory, each group has the brain, the looks, the muscle, the useless chick, and the wild card, I was wondering if The League fits that at all.
The Brain - Kevin is the commissioner but he's not smart. Jenny is probably the smartest of the bunch. Seems to switch in each episode

Episodes of The League are all on the same level for me, pretty much all in B territory with some creeping up to A. I shut my brain off and laugh some. This seemed right in B territory for the show.

Yeah, that's just overkill. I was going to grudgingly watch this last season, but this extra long premiere makes me want to say "fuck this show." I'd rather watch a movie than sit through that fast forwarding through commercials. Maybe it'll be fine to let it play in the background while playing Diablo III.

I'll be watching it. I don't think last year was terrible, just the weakest, but it had the Manzoukas/Rogen episode, which is one of my favorite episodes of the show, though I might be in the minority on that. Plus, I really like Nick Kroll and Paul Scheer and think they alone make the show worth watching, though I

The Long Goodbye on Blu-ray will be an essential purchase. Elliot Gould as Marlowe is not Bogart in The Big Sleep. He's the 1950s detective dropped into 1970s LA. He just doesn't fit. Chandler's dialogue meets Altman's dialogue and Marlowe can't keep up.

I think you're entirely wrong and the reviewer did miss the point of the movie entirely and should read what I wrote in this post and a previous one.

Might be more than a bit flawed, but for me personally it tied into what I saw as the themes of the movie.

I'm probably going to be thought a misogynist, asshole, douchebag, and everything else for writing this, but I find it annoying when reviewers can't get past rape in movies to see the movie as a whole.

Unless I didn't read the article well enough I think the reviewer, as well as many viewers, get too revolted by the kidnapping/rapey aspects of the movie to see what Almodovar was going for here, whether he was successful or not.

Comet really is another character in the show and helped to make the show fun as hell.

I'd like to have heard his thoughts on the government shutdown that delayed the start of the King Crab season. They showed Keith giving a speech before Congress asking them to open the license office so they could start fishing. I'd like to know exactly how much that shutdown delayed the fishing season and how that

Bill can be pretty intimidating but also pretty cool when a deckhand is doing well. Keith has the reputation for being an asshole and seems to fly off the handle at some stupid shit. Bill always seems justified in being angry, Keith sometimes does, but other times seems irrational. Not that I'm hating on Keith. He's

So it's a Woody Allen movie where an older man falls in love with a younger, free-spirited woman rather than the older more stable woman? He's really breaking new ground here.

The Halloween vibe for me comes from the relentless stalking of one person who is stuck in a house, and then something about La Femme reminds me of The Shape.

I think that gets thrown in there along with other movies like Irreversible and Enter the Void, though that doesn't stop it from being shitty rape porn with some action/horror.