
LUTZ is right. Also, Hicks is a huge homophobe - well past the point of doing it as "I'm edgy and taking on unsafe targets" and well into the territory of "Smear the Queer."

bip bip bip
are you me and if so why am i being such a fucking tool about a super nice guy who slept in my bed for a weekend

@Kid Dada:

lorry123 WAS HERE!

The game pulls a lot from Fallout 3 and Bioshock. Too bad the game still rules. B+ grade is much more accurate. I would like some more customization of the weapons, but the talent tree and leveling system are simplified enough for a shooter without being truly dumbed down, which is a great move for shooters. Sorry

Zybourne Clock
the best steampunk you will ever find.

I think the babies do more whining than crying, but doosh, i'm glad you're a wise, benevolent third party who has been reading the site since the beginning of time (but see no need to register your nickname) and deigns to tell us what is acceptable. Also, the ZMF doublesynopsis was pretty lame. None of the trolls here

indistinguishable acoustic muddle
a succinct description of Iron & Wine

they should play the theme from Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

I was hoping to read ZMF's opinion on this.