
Someone mentioned The Producers. Do you really mean the version with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder? I really like that movie. Not quite enough to buy it, but enough that I have rented it a couple of times. Every time I have shown it to friends, they like it too.

These are the bomb
I love them. They are a very low carb alternative to chips. And cooking them in the microwave avoids the fat that comes from fried pork rinds.

The team in Boston is the Sel-ticks instead of the Kel-ticks because people in Bahstahn dorn't really care about speaking correctly.

Couldn't almost any actor* play a better Keith Moon than Mike Myers?

OOOOOOOOklahoma, where the wind goes sweeping through our brains.

The whole "can't walk around in daylight" thing was never part of the original vampire mythos. It was added later on. So on this one particular point, the film is totally faithful to the original, and therefore worthy of our respect and admiration.

I LIKE caltrops
I talk about caltrops when I teaching Geometry. Their pointiness gets the attention of bored teenagers, and gets them thinking about tetrahedrons.