Abbie Doobie

How do I get out of this chicken-shit thread?

Arrested Development after season 3. I wanted more so badly until I watched season 4. I felt the magic was gone and never made it past episode 7.

Can you comment suckaaasss!!!!!!!

Was he in the Sept of Baelor too?

I wonder if this, The Phantom, and The Shadow would have done better had they come out during the late 90's swing revival period.

My friend and I used to play Diablo with the Conan soundtrack playing. Epic dungeon crawls followed.

OBSERVATION: You meatbags will give all your money to Disney.

That song just gave Ray Parker Jr. cancer.

Island of Dr. Moreau?

So goeth Oprah, so goeth the nation.

This car belonged to Jon Voight.

You better mind your P's and Q's buster and remember who you're dealing with.

Call me "sir" goddamnit!

Saul of Tarsus: The Quickening

Leroy Jenkins cameo?

Heroin Frank, heroin.

Jesus, that deserves to be in the running for "most 80's thing ever".

As will Falco.

I like a good listicle like anyone and you are right that on social issues, there is a liberal slant. That is why it confuses me that during the 2012 election cycle, there would be on the same day a "10 Times Obama forgot his campaign promises" or "5 times Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth" list right next to "here

Hollow gesture. Buzzfeed politics editors are pro-republican. They don't need the money and the message will still get across.