Jon Hamm redeems this somewhat.
Jon Hamm redeems this somewhat.
He sure knows how to date her.
I'm jumping back into the Bond movies myself. They're available, for the time being, on Amazon Prime so I have to get cracking. Just watched Live and Let Die and probably will watch The Man With the Golden Gun tonight.
Holy fuck, "when is American idol on"? Goddamn, no wonder Scott Walker is in charge in this state.
Bran will eventually level up to where he can warg into one of Dany's dragons then he can bring some payback for Hodor.
It's Wayne's World, it's Wayne's World. It's party time, it's excellent!
You called?
Tony Wonder is Dr. Strange. "Did someone say 'magic'?"
Still on the boat back to Kings Landing?
Speaking of singing GoT actors, where is Bronn this season?
Stop trying to make Katherine Heigl happen. I was happy to have her reduced to cat litter commercials. And stop with the Matthew Perry while you're at it.
He was right about that Bluth stock, though.
What's up with that?
Jack Black Cock?
I'll stick with Carsinio.
David Chokachi. Actually, most Baywatch names will work for this though David Hasselhoff's name straddles the 80s and 90s.
Lorena Bobitt.
Fairuza Balk. That's a 90's name.
That look they share…