
Bonnie's scene was incredibly powerful, one of my favorites of the whole series. I am so proud of Kat, and the character of Bonnie, for how she grew throughout the series.

I cant imagine watching a show I disliked this much… why watch?

yeah, that wasn't thought out well… I think they could have eliminated that whole part and still made it work

I think Kai said that wouldn't work. Something about "no cheating".

So… a possibility her magic could come back before the end of the season?? 😉

Question… has it been addressed why the tuning fork and the supppaahhhh bell work on Bonnie?

I was shocked too. There have been ok moments in the last 2 seasons, but nothing at all like this. I thought the performances tonight were outstanding. Better material to work with maybe?

Alright, now THAT was an episode of TVD. I don't know if I'm just on a high from Nina's announcement that she's coming back or what, but I was genuinely excited for tonight, and it lived up to the hype. I was worried the familiar faces would be similar to the rehashed old memories of Elena we've seen in the last few

As stated below, most of the Elena/Nina fans left the show when she did. I suppose I should have done that, because looking back, she was why this was my favorite show for many seasons and I think I'm alone here in that! I remember watching BTS footage of the scenes where she was playing Katherine in the tomb and

I used to love this show. Like, obsessed with it, have rewatched the entire first six seasons enough to be able to quote lines. And now I am just anxiously awaiting it to be over. Elena was the glue and it all just fell apart without her. Not because of the actors, but the lack of creativity, longevity, and direction

I am completely loving this season. Well, maybe just in relation to last season, but I'll take it. I'm invested in this story and I like the way it's playing out. And the way they're setting up hell… please, PLEASE tell me we will see Katherine again.

Last season was a big fat 0. This one was really good, in my opinion. I say yes, worth it so far. Having Kevin Williamson back and all the throwbacks to S1 will be awesome.

I'm in. Bravo, TVD. That was better than all of S7 put together. It was dark and brutal and emotional and I was hooked. The evil works so well, I think, especially as she starts messing with Damon's memories. I really hope this is a preview to how good the last season will be.

Soooo many FEELS this week!!
Bonnie fixing Enzo's tie with that smoldering stare?? Way to go Kat and Michael on pulling this story line off.

Agree completely… And then on the other hand, how were they going to write in Candice's RL pregnancy? This seems to be a suitable way to tie the storyline to other characters at least. And better than them trying to hide her for 9 months. Still no clue on the HOW or WHY of it all though. Or why they're engaged. That

Wow… I've watched this finale 4 times now over the course of the last year and STILL sob through that scene every time. (AND I know what happens in season 6 too!) I thought it was beautiful and heavy and acted to perfection. Dobrev has had to do several intense grief death scenes (Jenna, Jeremy, now Damon) and yet

Ooooo, I loved it!!! The music during that scene and also when Stefan and Katherine slept together (Superman) were just perfect, I thought.

The humor and snark in this episode elevates the grade at least a full letter for me. I can't remember ever laughing more than during this episode. "It binds a spell to a supernatural hell dimension; it's not going to look like a freaking IKEA sink."

After thinking about it for a while, this season completely reminds me of the TVD Comic Con panel this past summer. I've always enjoyed previously panels, especially the first few years, but this one was beyond awkward and uncomfortable. You could just FEEL that the actors are over it. It was at the height of "what

The entire beginning made me really sad. It just feels so forced and the plot is so similar to past story lines with none of the same depth, interest, or connection. I was ready to give up, but then Damon, Bonnie, and Alaric saved the day (show), as usual.