
You want to be listening to Red Travellin' Socks by Malcolm Middleton which is about both touring and socks and so great. Also, Camera Obscura do a great version of Super Trouper. Also, they're from Glasgow so it's like totally deep and stuff.

Wait, Glasgow is like London now? ok.
When are we getting a G2G on the Glasgow/Lanarkshire scene of the 80s/early 90s. Orange Juice, Teenage Fanclub, The Vaselines etc. ?

Colman is incredibly good in this. Brought so many layers to that character.
I know she's not going to get an Oscar for it but I really hope BAFTA were paying attention.

Not a sequel to 'Martha - Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence'?
I thought maybe Rob Brydon could have expanded his role as 'bus driver'.

Could have done it in 15minutes but then we'd have missed out on those other 45 minutes which were nearly entirely great.
Best film I've seen this year.

Yes, dispiriting may have been the better (correct) choice of words.
Sister Jen dealing with gangs was a joy to behold. When she talks they listen.
I never watched One Born Every Minute, but maybe I should.

I guess this is where I make the usual clarification that this was originally made by Channel 4 and not the BBC. Aside from that though, this is a wonderful series.
I don't usually watch this sort of thing but during one of my rare periods of flicking through the channels I caught a couple of minutes of this and could

Agree with the poster a bit above. I think Edinburgh is the best loooking city in the UK and there's a ridiculous amount of stuff going on at festival time, but Glasgow is a more interesting city. Loads going on and it acdtually is quite pretty really.
London is obvious, but for a reason. You should go.
If you had loads

Paul Cornell was always clearly the second best writer after Moffatt. Why hasn't Steven given him some stories to write?
Mark Gatiss has mostly written some pretty poor ones in my opinion though. But he did write the best episode of Sherlock.

Lauren Laverne was in Kenickie. Never forget that Lauren was in motherfucking Kenickie. A bunch of schoolgirls who released one of the best albums of the nineties.
10 O Clock show has become a little better now after a very shaky start and they're even finding some decent stuff for Lauren to do.
Charlie Brooker is where

She wears a hat
Where in the fuck is Alex Mack?

Holy crap it was good. I haven't been that excited at an episode of television since the Doctor Who finale. I think that was probably their best ever episode. The stakes are fucking huge!

And where's this revenue coming from exactly?
I don't get the impression they're trying to make another show. It's just the obligatory creative use of web and new media.

And the fact that it wasn't made under the studio system. I think Ricky raised the money himself.
It could probably have done with someone telling him the story falls apart and that he should get in a director with some sense of vision.

Ricky has never done anything great without Steve. His stand-up is ok but just look at the mess that is The Invention of Lying.

That's exactly what I like about it. I kept expecting to get some sort of hint about him still being the same old Herrick but even though he was a bastard to Annie, he could still just be a human bastard. Or a bastard who thinks he's human at least.
Annie & Mitchell vs. George and Nina is also going to be quite fun.

Being a UK Human
Since we don't know if we're going to be getting a regular recap of UK series 3, does anyone want to discuss the latest, and best, episode of the current run?

I'd rather punch people who have contempt for the lower classes in the mouth rather than "chavs".
This site has disappointingly pathetic commenters sometimes.

Obviously meant to say "compared to the FIRST two series".
Am I doing this right?

More please!
I think we're up to episode 5 or 6 in the UK this weekend, but I'm still really interested in reading what you have to say. You might be pleasantly surprised by how relatively rudderless the season has been so far but I think it's kept up a fairly consistent standard compared to the others.
Lacey Turner