
BBC4 did an hour-long Dirk Gently at the end of last year with Stephen Managn. It wasn't great.

KC Rules OK is a superb album. He can be a bit patchy otherwise though

Not a comedian, but I'm looking forward to seeing Clare Grogan turn up as a parent this week (my avatar may give a clue as to why).
I thinkthis new series has been promising so far. Last week was good (apart from the RATM in the pub stuff) and the opener was a hell of a lot better than the abominable first episodes of

Yeah, Ann Marie Duff was easily the best part of this show. She was the heart of the whole thing and it was really sad when she left. It rang as really untrue that she would leave her family behind though.

The World Cup is only on every 4 years, so that's hardly a big issue. As far as I remember, there's only ever been 1 week breaks in the UK for past seasons when Eurovision's been on.
The first part of that finale was really good though. Really fucking good.

Do see it! It is a great piece of cinema. The story is abit lightweight, but the whole thing is entirely beautiful and joyful.

98% of TV is utter shite in general though. Still a lot of great stuff from over here. Thick Of It write-ups would be great thanks.


I'm going to say I'm more offended by being called a git than a cunt. Git means something round these parts.

Series 3 is the most interesting so far, simply because of the mythology. I agree that the individual episodes aren't all that great, but I'm intrigued by the arc this time round. Viv's death was rather interesting last week and this Friday's episode will be the life or death of the whole thing.

Daily Mail: the Movie could also be renamed "Gordon Brown" and instead of starring Michael Caine killing out of control youths would show our titular PM slaying anyone who dares mention "the I word".

I seem to remember reading somewhere that Moffat specifically asked for the doctor's daughter to come back to life at the end of that episode so he could use her further down the line. Could quite well be bullshit of course.

See, I usually get annoyed when people completely write off anything post 98ish, but you guys are being far too kind! There's some good songs on the later albums, but that's about all they are. They don't mean anything to me. they don't make me do anything more than hum along. That's the difference for me.

Terry Jones made a bloody brilliant documentary on the history of the number one. Funny & smart.

She gave up British Torchwood for British Law & Order though. Martha always just bored me a little.

Amy Pond has gone to the top of my list! Then Rose, Donna and Martha.

"it looks vastly cheaper than previous seasons"? Really? The Eleventh Hour is by far the best looking episode of Doctor Who I've ever seen. The show could be practically directed like an episode of bloody Casualty before, but they seem to have really upped their game here. I agree with the assumption that it looks

Who the hell told you "That Mitchell & Webb" look was better than Peep Show?! I'm surprised there's even people around here who'll say it's as good. Watch Peep Show from beginning to end. There's a slight dip in quality in places, but it's always worth watching.

Are we listing hip Glasgow establishments now?! The 13th Note! The Flying Duck!

Aye, cause that's a reliable article.
Also - venison burgers are awesome.