DJ Sluggo

No pop-culture for me this week; too busy picking up bitches at the zoo.

When was the last time a bar of soap hit your bod?

Back when I was still attending Cinnamon River Community College, my calculus teacher said Arcade Fire was his favorite band of all time.

I've seen it, and there's a scene where Chris Rock is eating chicken wings and the camera zooms in on his lips as the grease drips off.

George Lopez' entire family tunneled their way into the U.S.

How the fuck has he not died of heart failure yet?

Speaking of whisper-core, I've put together a new track list. It's a new sound for me; sort of a cross between mumble-scream and Cheerio-rock.

Hipsters Sitting On A Fire Escape Drinking Beer: The Movie

Nobody cares, nerd.

Me and Sean O'Neal drank Irish Whiskey over the weekend and reconciled our differences.

Your lifestyle is a choice.

I like to jizz on Garfield's face while staring directly into Nermal's eyes.

SPOILER: Spike Lee was a hack the whole time.

One Horatio Sanz is worth five of these Canadian fruits.

Ha ha, your blog's funny. :)

Where the fuck is "Triumph of the Will?"

I spent a couple of years in a place like this.

One time I farted and shit got serious.

I bet those lyrics are really meaningful to you, aren't they hipster boy?

Let me guess - Marah is a "bisexual" ?