sum dum ghai

Well, like Martin said once on The Tonight Show, "Umbrella-heads throw fish," and I just lobbed one at you. So I take it back and put in its place a small geranium in a blue pot.

Really?…whiplash, talking bears? I suppose the post merited a transitional paragraph between the two anecdotes bemoaning the all-too-familiar show-business arc of "rising star becomes self-important jerk", but I wanted to log off and watch Olympic basketball. Actually, I thought everyone would connect the dots.

S.F. Story
After a screamingly funny 1975 performance at The Boarding House, a San Francisco nightclub, Martin led his audience out of the venue and onto the sidewalk, where we watched him - wearing a pink suit and with an arrow sticking through his head - walk into the middle of a busy downtown street.